Back to work

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"Okay, one step at a time. The last thing we need is for you to re-open your wounds on your last day of recovery." (Y/n) warned, helping Ratchet to his feet. It had been two months since that first night the two had spent alone together in the garage. The burgundy Lombax was holding his arms out, prepared in case Ratchet suddenly fell. "Relax (Y/n) I'm fine. Just a little sore-- gahh!!" Ratchet tripped and fell into (Y/n)'s outstretched arms while gripping his chest, however the brief moment of warmth they shared was enough to get Ratchet back on his feet again. "Thanks, I'm glad you're here for me." Ratchet smiled up at (Y/n) and the latter blushed a bit sheepishly. "You're welcome, now take it slowly this time." (Y/n) reminded him.

Ratchet slowly got back up and took a few baby steps forward, putting small amounts of pressure on each of his legs. At first they quivered a little under the weight, but after a while they grew accustomed to their usual routine. After a few minutes Ratchet was walking normally, albeit in short distances and almost tripping every couple of steps from the pain his torso. "See, almost good as new. Now let's get back to the Hall of Heroes, the Ranger's need us." Ratchet said walking towards his gear. (Y/n) immediately rushed forward in front of him. "Whoa, what do you think you're doing?!" (Y/n) exclaimed putting a paw on Ratchet's chest. "Going back on duty. The Ranger's need us." Ratchet proclaimed taking a step forward before being interrupted by (Y/n) again.

"Yes, but what they don't need is you getting severly injured again. What use will you be if you can't even get out of bed for more than five seconds again?!" (Y/n) asked glaring at his senior ranger. Ratchet's expression softened as he took (Y/n)'s paws into his own. "I know you're worried, but we need to get back out there. Nefarious isn't going to halt his plans just because one of us in on break, and he certainly wouldn't waste any future opportunity to strike us at our weakest. Please, at least help me get to the Hall of Heroes. I promise I'll stay out of trouble." Ratchet pleaded trying to comfort the other Lombax. (Y/n) sighed and let his shoulders drop. "Fine, but if you get hurt again, I'm making sure you wait until you're properly healed to go back on duty next time." (Y/n) said pointing one of his digits in Ratchet's face warningly.

"Arlight alright, now let's go before Elaris and Clank start getting bored without us." Ratchet joked getting his Protosuit and his Omniwrench. They both hurried to the main garage room where Ratchet's ship was waiting for them. Ratchet started for the cockpit before being suddenly stopped and turned around by a giant hand. "And where do you think you're going?" Grim asked with his usual grimacing frown. "Uh hi Grim. Did you need us for something?" (Y/n) asked walking up next to Ratchet. Grim had never asked anything of them while they had been in the garage for Ratchet's two months of recovery.

"Just wondering why you two are off in such a hurry." Grim said crossing his arms. Ratchet chuckled nervously raising his gloved paws. "Just trying to get back to work is all." Ratchet said backing up a bit. "I tried to tell him to wait a bit longer but he wasn't having it. Besides, I couldn't resist that handsome face." (Y/n) said hugging Ratchet's waist from behind. Ratchet smiled and placed his paws on (Y/n)'s. "Well just keep each other alive. The last thing I need is to hear that you both got blasted to pieces because of Ratchet." Grim said turning around and marching back over to breakfast cereal.

Ratchet and (Y/n) turned to each other and nodded. They quickly separated and sat themselves in the cockpit. The windshield closed above them and Ratchet inputted the coordinates. "Next stop, Hall of Heroes." Ratchet said as the ship powered up. The garage door opened and the ship fired up it's thrusters, speeding out into the sky.

After a few minutes of lightspeed travel their ship arrived at Aleero City, parking in front of the Hall of Heroes. Ratchet jumped out of the cockpit, stumbling a bit. "Woah, guess I need to get used to walking on my own again." Ratchet said stabilizing himself before continuing. "That's why I told you to be careful." (Y/n) said as he jumped out of the cockpit himself. "Relax, I'll be fine. It takes more than a slip on concrete to take me out." Ratchet chuckled with a smile. (Y/n) shook his head. "You may have recovered but right now you're just tempting fate." The Burgundy lombax said rolling his eyes. They got to the door of the Hall of Heroes and it slid open for them.

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