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Then u heard banging on your door u looked through the peep hole and saw it was Dior

Naomi: Dior if u don't leave I'm calling the cops
Dior: go ahead ion give a fuck
Nygel: he not leaving
Naomi: no

Then he kicked down the door 🚪

Dior: I was gunna get is some how
Naomi: u bitch

Then he smacked u

Dior: call me a bitch again

Then nygel was like oh hell nah then he started punching the shit out of him then they both where fighting so u called the cops and u pulled nygel off of Dior but he would get off then the cops came and pulled it apart

Cop: well isn't it Dior London
Dior: fuck y'all want
Cop: yk your supposed to be 10 feet
Dior: and
Cop: Hands behind your head

Then u heard Mika crying in the background so h where gunna go get her

Cop: don't move
Naomi: my child is crying
Nygel: let her go get her baby
Cop: where is it
Naomi: bruh ik your trying to do your kid but you have to worry about him not my child
Cops: ma'am is that your child
Nygel: she just said that !!
Naomi: just don't shoot I'm going to go get her

U walked slowly and went upstairs to get her and came back

Cop: u look a little to young to have a child
Naomi: can u just do your job
Other cop: I'm sorry for him

They took Dior in the cop car then came back to u

Cop: would u like to press charges

Nygel looked at u

Naomi: no I just want him not to even be close to the house at all
Cop: ok well send that to the court
Naomi: thank u

Then they left

Nygel: y u let him touch u like that
Naomi: if I fought back I would of got hit worse

He gave u a hug

Naomi: I need to go shopping but ion wanna go alone
Nygel: shopping for what
Naomi: Mika needs sippy cups teething things baby food and I need food for the house
Nygel: go get ready cuz I'm going with u
Naomi: ima just order them
Nygel: no we're going

He took Mika from u and u went upstairs and got ready

He took Mika from u and u went upstairs and got ready

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Shoes u wore

Shoes u wore

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Your outfit

What Mika wore

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What Mika wore

What nygel wore cuz he wanted to match u with the champion

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What nygel wore cuz he wanted to match u with the champion

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