Dick 🥜🍆

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It was a hour later Mika walked into y'all room

Mika: mama wake
Naomi: yes mama
Mika: hi
Naomi: u woke me up for that
Mika: mommy mad
Naomi: no now what u want
Mika: iPad

U tried to get off of nygel but he held u

Nygel: ugh stay
Naomi: Mika wants the iPad so lemme go
Nygel: mama do u need it now
Mika: iPad
Naomi: now move

U got off of him and he grabbed your ass

Mika: dada that not nice
Naomi: yea that ain't nice
Nygel: rip that pussy
Naomi: I- tonight

U got her iPad and gave it to her

Naomi: wait Mika can u to this ( that one TikTok I'm getting ripped tonight dance) video on top *

Mika: dis
Nygel: yuhh
Naomi: my baby a TikToker now
Mika: can I go on iPad now
Naomi: yes u can
Nygel: is Preston awake
Naomi: I have no idea lemme go see

U went in his room he was still asleep so u woke him up so he can sleep tonight

Naomi: hi baby u had a nice nap

He rubbed his eyes and laid his head down on u

Naomi: and your still tired let's go to daddy

Then y'all went into the room and nygel was watching with Mika

Nygel: my son
Naomi: he's still tired
Nygel: lemme hold him

He tried to get him but he went back to u

Nygel: I thought we was cool p
Preston: no
Naomi: um ima go get some tacos 🌮
Mika: me go wit u
Naomi: go get your shoes
Mika: yay
Nygel: an u finna stay here with me Preston

He looked at u and looked at nygel

Naomi: bye boys
Mika: bye dada and Preston

Y'all left to get some birria tacos

Nygel: papa u don't love me no more
Preston: mama
Nygel: aww no u making me sad * fake crying *

He gives him a kiss on the cheek and a hug

Preston: dada
Nygel: u love me papa
Preston: ya

Then y'all came back

Naomi: we back

Then u brought Preston down and y'all sat down to eat

Mika: mama is this chicken
Nygel: try it I might like it
Preston: ah
Naomi: give him a piece of the meat inside
Nygel: ima put my meat in u 😈
Naomi: nygel!!!
Mika: this bussin mama
Nygel: 😂😂 where did u get that from
Mika: jay
Naomi: no cap that was cute
Nygel: p can u say it
Preston: bu bu bu
Naomi: close enough

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