it started off as y/n the quiet girl to y/n mattias gurl to y/n the bad bitch that dosen't need man but still wants him
"if you can't love me now don't love me later when my later is much greater"
The initials are the name for example A.r-alejandro rosario YK
I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off As i turn it off i get up and take a shower
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I put that on as i pack my bookbag and i grab my homework I then go downstairs to see my dad Y:me vas a recoger verdad (Translate:your gonna pick me up right?) Dad:yes Y:ok bye love u Dad: love u too I walk out as i put my hood on to cover my face I take out my air pods as i play my music And i walk to school
Well u see my name is mia sanchez also known as the quiet nerd girl I live with my dad bc my mom passed away when she had me you see my mom was a teenager when she had him she was about 14-15 she had my brother then she had me after 10 yrs she passed away 2 hours after she had me My brother's name is fenix YK😏😭🤚 I always make fun of him bc of his name like felix arizona- Anyway not the point i have a friend named jasmine brown she's not popular but she's not quite she's a normal girl but is friends with me and then there's the group of boys 6 of them they are all douchebags in my opinion Like-ugh you'll see
As i walk into the school u would think people would look but no they push me ??:move Y:sorry ??:ugh I keep walking as i go into my homeroom I keep my head down as i go and sit at the back 🔙 As the teacher starts the class I take out my note book to take the notes
In the middle of class the boys where at the door Y:*sigh*oml As the teacher opens the door they come in (no dip shit) Te:y'all have passes? Late M.p:no😂 tf Te: language A.r:omg can we just go K.c:Yea Te:go As they Start talking an shit i keep my head down and i keep writing ??:*pst* I look over to see mattia asking for me to get alovera? Idfk attention i nod no cause no tf M.p:plss Y:ugh I turn over to alvaro and i tap his shoulder A.r:eww don't touch me Y:My bad anyways mattia A.t:oh my b- Y:mhm As they kept talking i kept copying the notes Nd shit
??:Yea there's a party tmrr bro we gotta go They try whispering it but I hear it all ??:it's a tollers house ??:ok Y:*mouthes"wtf I keep taking the notes as they talk Y:can y'all like STFU like damn ?:stfu bitch Y:dickhead ??:shut up slut Y: how you going to call me on life if I never fuck nobody you're the man whore here ??:.i---- Y:what i thought ??:hey girll Y:hey jas J.b:soo what's new Y:nothing finally told the MAN WHORE to stfu J.b: finallyyyyyy!!! Y:*chuckles* J.b:anuwhoo party Y:no J.b:yes Y:no J.b:come on!!! Y ugh fine J.b:yessiirrr J.b:y'all going to go? M.p:Yea K.c:why J.b:nun M.p:u tryna come over jas-mine J.b:where to M.p:the party J.b:duh alo my girl finna come Y:uh- bitch J.b:sorry M.p:why y'all even friends like.. J.b:since birth K.c:but look at her and at u Y:how the fuck you going to tell me what I look like if I've never looked up at you like... A.r:now she talks M.p: you have pimples that's all I need to know to know that you're ugly Y: call puberty dumbass you've had them too A.r:annddd Y:stfu with your orangutan head ass A.r:i---- J.b: tell emmmmm Y:*chuckles* shut up Te:ok pay attention Te:if 2x2=6 then what is 6X6 Y*raises hand* Te:yes mia Y:umm that's wrong Te:how Y: well you said two times two equals 6 actually it equals 4 and 6 x 6 = 32 and you were going to ask if it equals 32 then what's 32 + 32 and that would be 64 so the answer to the question is 64 Te: correct good Y:mhm J.b:oop gurl hold up repeat that again Y:*chuckles* I help her out as the class ends
I walk out if school with jas as my dad pulls up Y: buenas tardes (Translate:good afternoon) Dad:enta hola jasmine (Translate:get in hey jasmine) J.b:heyy Dad:so home? Y:yep
J.b:soo dress?? Y:no jeans J.b:dress Y:jeannss J.b:no Y:yes J.b:plsss Y:ugh fine J.b: yyessiirir Y: ugh J.b:I'm staying the night Y:bettt
J.b:what is you going to wear thou Y:whens the party? J.b:ummm in 3 days why Y so I have time duh J.b:rude much Y:shut up😂 *Phone rings* J.b:hold up
She leaves as i go on my phone
"How is mattia famouse like he's such a dick he's like my enimy uk"
She comes back in red
Y:what happened? J.b:mattia happened Y:what he say J.b:he was going to stretch my grip Y:i---- J.b:he's so hawwtt Y:mmmmm......💀ok😂 J.b:im horny Y:bitch tmi matter if a fact di demasiada información (Translate:to much information) J.b:gurllll Y:just call him J.b:wait where's your dad Y:he left late night shift today J.b:oh ok I'ma call mattia Y:kk She leaves again Ugh I'm bored and i kinda wanna go but I'm scared-----😭😭
J.b:bet come over Y::what noo.!!!!! M.p:bet Y:noooo Jasmine J.b:sorry M.p:*chuckles* She hangs up as she lays down Y:omg i hate u J.b:why Y:u are bringing mattia big boy matia that stupid fucking dinosaur!!!! J.b:ik but it's for mee not u Y:ugh just don't tell cause your a yeller J.b:i try Y:ewww *Ding dong* J.b:my dick came Y:break that dick bitch J.b: B-b-break that dick bitch Y:ahhhh J.b:let me get him
She leaves as i take a shower 30 min later i walk out with my towel as i go to my closet and i take out some shorts and a crop top As i change i hear the door knob jiggle Y:hold on They keep try to come in so I quickly put my shirt on as i open the door and i see jas Y:whatt J.b:pretty Y: thxs M.p:ooooooo Y: oml- J.b:anywhooo wanna watch a movie Y:wit? J.b:me and mattia Y:did y'all M.p:yesir Y: eeww J.b:it was ok thou M.p:oohhh wanna go for round 2 J.b:no M.p:want i thought Y:hold up let me get my phone stay here Asntheyr were at the door u was looking for my phone Y:where's my oh here it is I say as i bend down and grab it and when I get up the shorts where half of my ass so I pulled it down Y:there's so tight FUCKK omg i need new ones I say as i walk to the mirror and i look at how tight the pants where Y:ugh Y:let's go I say as i walk past them M.p:so shy girl Y:what manwhore M.p:still on that Y:yes very much M p:no wonder you don't have friends Y:even better i don't have to worry about backstabbing assholes M.p:ugh STFU Y:shut me up bitch M.p:watch who u talk to Y:stfu M.p:pimple face Y: thanks M.p:go pop then they white Y no they aren't how about u go pop the quiz that u failed M.p:shut up J.b:both of y'all STFU M.p:ok ma Y:eww M.p:stfu mía Y:bitch i Alr told u shut me up damn
I turn on the TV as i put in a movie and i see Jasmine bouncing on mattia Y:y'all disgusting M.p:you wish that was u huh😂 Y:ese I say as i walk upstairs and i close my door Y: you wish I was you huh*mocking him* dumbass bitch Iay down as i take out my phone and i watch tiktok Y:yeah I'ma freak bitch handcuf- M.l:faster ma Y: disgusting!!! Ughh i put on music to the max as i vibe and i do my homework and i facetime my brother
Y:yeah bro can u believe i corrected a teacher today Bro:frr!!! Y:yeah she said 2x2=6 Bro:wtf- Y:weird Bro:😭😂 i have to go I'll call u later Alr Y:kk love u Bro:love u too
As he hangs up i get up and u go downstairs M.p:move Y:ugh He shoved me go the side as i fall on the counter and I'm bent Y:ugh i get up as i see him staring Y:what M.p:nun
Mattia pov
I came over for a hit and run from Jasmine usually like always until I saw Mia she had those shorts on like I'm my gawwdddd😫 But no she's a bitch and my enimy
I walk to the kitchen as I shove it to the side and she bends over the kitchen counter and I just stare at that and I'm like..... ,
I went upstairs as i see Jasmine laying down
Y/n pov
I walk upstairs as i see them on my bed
Y:off i'm going to bed M.p:bitch Y:...i-i shut up M.p:so nervous now Y:ugh gtfo of my room gahhhh M.p:whatever *rolls his eyes* as he leaves and i laydown and i go to sleep