4 ; Together-Time

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Deku's pov

It's 6:15, I did some training and am now in the common room talking with Iida and Todoroki. "Midoriya, how was your break? We didn't get to talk much," Todoroki asked. "I don't remember if I told you, but I stayed home with my mom. Didn't have much to do, did some training, went to buy groceries, the typical. How about yours? You too Iida of course." They look like they didn't expect such a normal response. Maybe they were expecting some heroic acts because we got our hero license, but I wasn't feeling it.

"Nerds week sounds boring," it was Kacchan. "Haha! Like you did more Bakubro! From what I know, you came over and gamed with us," Kirishima said with Kaminari and Sero walking up behind him. "WHO SAID YOU COULD SAY ANYTHING SHITTY-HAIR!" "Kacchan calm down! It doesn't matter who's week was better." Sometimes Kacchan was a bit much and get on our nerves, but he had good intentions. He could just do better with his words. "DEKU YOU-" "Midoriya's right Bakugo," Sero assured. Kaminari came in, "Yeah bro! We're back in the dorms with everyone, you can tell Midoriya all that later!" I'm glad they got Kacchan to quiet down, I swear the other dorm buildings can hear him.

"Uhm yeah. You can do whatever you want later, I'm gonna get some dinner now!" I quickly walked to the kitchen to see if I could help with any cooking. "Midoriya isn't someone you can bully Bakugo," Todoroki defended. "Bakugo, as the class representative, I highly discourage you keep this attitude up with your classmates or I'll have to tell Aizawa sensei you continue this in the dorms as well," Iida lectured Kacchan. "Uh I don't think that was bullying?" Kaminari said. "Even if it wasn't, it's not manly to discourage anyone like Iida says," Kirishima adds. "Whatever extra's." Kacchan sat on the couch and switches the channel on the tv.

In the kitchen, most of the girls were here along with Sato, Kouda, and Aoyama. "Did anyone need help with anything? I can lend a hand." Momo nodded her head, "Nope, at least I don't. We're almost done too!" I guessed not, "Okay, I'll just wait!" I said that smiling and walking away.

I decided to go up to my bathroom to freshen myself up. I hadn't showered today so I might have to go to the shower room after dinner. On the top of the stairs, I see Mineta outside his room on his phone. "Hey Mineta!" He looked startled, "Oh sorry I thought you saw me here." "I-It's okay, but hey Midoriya! Um, about the school bathroom earlier..." Ah I was gonna say, "No worries Mineta! I understand you were just looking out for me." "Yeah exactly!" He had an awkward smile. "I heard dinner's gonna be ready, you should go soon," I tried to make the awkwardness go away. "Yeah I'll go down, see you there." I nod and go down a door to my room. Mineta is seriously getting weirder every time I see him, might have to keep more tabs on him for the League of Villains.

I get to my bathroom and splash cold water onto my face then look at myself in the mirror, "cold, it's nice. I wonder if Dabi's quirk is hot or cold, blue flames, logically it would be hot but feel cold. He's never used it on any LoV member. That's a thought for another day, for now just jot whatever you can Izuku."

I pat dry my face and go into my bedroom. I then take out a notebook almost identical to my hero analysis notebooks from a camouflaged compartment. I prefer notebooks over a screen in my face, and if needed, I can take a picture of the pages and send it to Shigaraki. There are 4 current notebooks I have that are used to write about many of my interactions. These are separate from the notebooks I write about class 1A's quirks where I usually write during the day time. I've already sent the third notebook to Shigaraki last week.

I do not write every day in the notebooks, but rather I write the more important details. The first notebook for this operation was when All Might trained my body to obtain One For All. It wasn't fun to write, but it had much insight on his quirk and how it adapts to me. Second was on my classmates when in battle and what they were like. Third was about the serious battles 1A had with villains. The fourth now is just everyday life since lots has died down. I'll have to see if theres any point to this notebook and what to name it. They all were filled with more than half of it being everyday things my classmates did.

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