{1} The Meadows

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George was not used to his new position, though not many could tell. Of course I can I never left his side, he had recently been appointed king of the dream smp and to say he was confused was an understatement. He had no idea what to do nor did he care, George was bored, though anyone could see that from miles away.

What only few people saw was how his face lit up when he'd sneak away from his castle on bad days and they'd catch a glimpse of us running, just like we used to. He often brings me to fields of flowers to run and watch the sunrise and set, George loved the sun.

He would make me flower crowns no matter how much I insisted we not mess around and get him back to the castle. He would sit us in the middle of the meadows as he made me a crown, he would always ask me what color the flower was even if he could see it. He'd place them under my helmet and say it was our secret, I always took them off when we got back of course but I kept them all in my room.

We would lay in the tall grass as we watched the sunrise and lean back in the meadow when we watched the sunset. It was nice, it was safe. I was always a stickler for the rules when it came to George though, I just wanted to keep him safe.

Eventually throughout the time I spent with him I gave up and followed him on the terms we went back after the sun had set or risen. He didn't have to agree of course as he is king and what he says goes, but he wanted us both having fun. At the time I hadn't thought much of it, I'd thought he just wanted his protector to be on good terms with him. I couldn't have been more wrong, of course he never knew why he did it either. George was always bad with emotions, they both were.

Of course good things don't last on this server, everything dies eventually. Soon things went sour, George was dethroned with what I would say was a safe decision. After that. time seemed to pass very slow, most of it I can't care to remember.

I do remember the dethronement however, so much happened in a matter of minutes. I had decided George wasn't safe as king so I handed it back to Eret. I never wanted to of course, but I knew George could care less. It seemed he was putting on a show for pity. I remember him asking if I hated him and I'd never heard such genuine anger and hurt directed at me form him before. It hurt.

Was it really the best decision? Would it have stopped this inevitable end.

I had assured him I didn't hate him. I told him I cared about him and just wanted him safe. He didn't believe me of course and Sapnap in his ear about how I didn't care about them didn't help. George had rushed off after the encounter muttering a fine then not being seen much after.

I had looked everywhere for him hoping to explain but didn't find him. In a vulnerable moment, a long time since I'd last seen George, I had found myself walking a familiar path. I was no longer a knight, restrained by his duties, I was the villain of the story. I had become the most hated person on the server.

I found myself wandering the path and I didn't know where to, it was the night before the finale of what is referred to as "The Disc War" here. I don't remember how long I had walked, but ended up in the meadow George used to drag me out to. I had walked to the middle to watch the sunrise like we used to, and remember how relived I was to see a small figure sleeping in the field.

I had debated not waking him, but considering my odds to come I thought it was a good idea. I'd shaken him awake careful not to startle him as I knew he hated that, it took him a minute after waking up to notice me sitting next to him.

"I waited for you. You took so long."

"You shouldn't have waited."

"I know."

I had felt guilty, I still do.

"Have you heard?"

"About what you've done? What your doing? Of course I have."

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