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Dixie's pov:
It was time for dinner but Addison didn't come down when I told the girls to get her they said she said she wasn't hungry but she has to take her meds soon so I sent a maid to go get her.
Maid: Ma'am Dixie.
D: Yes what did she say?
Maid: She said Dixie stop sending people up to get me I ain't fucking hungry leave me the fuck alone.
My fist started to close as I was annoyed with her so I got up and headed upstairs to her room knocking on the door.
A: Go away whoever you are I ain't hungry tell Dixie stop sending people up here!
A: Go away Dixie!
I opened the door to see her taking mirror pictures in somewhat revealing clothes so I thought why not just place my hand around her throat from behind what suprised me is that she took a picture before turning her phone off.
A: What do you want Dixie?
D: You need to eat because you have to take your meds.
A: No I hate pills.
D: What will it get for you to take them?
A: Ice cream.
D: Okay baby girl I'll get you ice cream but please lets eat dinner.
A: Let me change.
She changed into some champion sweats and a white hoodie but what caught my eye was the victoria secret bag I think she noticed me eyeing the bag.
A: No you won't be able to see what I got.
D: Why!
A: Why don't you ask your side hoe to model for you.
I knew it she was jealous and mad so I stayed quiet as she walked out leaving her phone on the bed but she got a notification and I notice her lock screen was a collage of pictures of her and I with the picture she just took in the middle. For some reason it made me smile so I grabbed her phone putting in my pocket before going downstairs to see her already eating with everyone. I joined them and once we finished I got a bowl of ice cream putting her pills in the bowl and mixing it before giving it to her. She ate it all before slowly laying her head down on the table so I went over to her.
D: You good baby girl?
A: No I feel weak again.
D: Wanna go lay down?
A: Yes please.
I picked her up taking her to our room but she looked disgusted as I put her down she took the sheets off instantly throwing them on the floor. I laughed a little as she put new sheets on the bed before laying down so I went to go get ready for bed but soon she joined me. When we finished she layed down so I layed down behind her putting my arm around her waist but she pushed my arm away. I sighed and turned away so we our backs were facing each other as I turned off the lights she was on her phone I could tell by the bright light.

Addi's pov:
I woke up alone but I heard the shower on so I just layed in bed on my phone when she walked out in sweats and a sports bra I could see her abs and damn she has more muscles than Bryce.
D: Morning baby girl.
A: Morning Dixie.
D: I have something for you.
A: What is it?
She took out a necklace with a heart locket handing it to me as she watched me open it there was the picture I took of us yesterday and on the other side has A+D engraved on it.
A: Thanks Dix.
D: Anything for you baby girl.
A: Can you put it on me?
D: Of course.
She took it back before moving my hair to the side putting the necklace on me and once she finished she placed a kiss on my neck. I started to giggle because as she left more kisses they started to tickle more but once she stopped I got up and went to get ready for the day.
A: Dix!
D: Yes baby girl?
A: I want pancakes and eggs for breakfast.
D: Okay and by the way I have to watch my niece and nephew who are twins.
A: Okay!
I enjoy playing with kids they make me feel better on my bad days but after my shower I put a sky blue flowy dress on and curled my hair with some light make up. I put my white hightops on it felt really good to wear clothes that I couldn't wear because of my bruises but thanks to the doctor I put some type of cream on and my bruises kinda fade. I felt like a princess as I spun around in the room as disney music played but as I was taking a mirror picture Dixie came and hugged me from behind so I took a picture of that.
D: A real life queen.
A: Thanks Dix.
D: Breakfast is ready queen lets go down.
A: Race you!
I started running as she ran after me I started to giggle and once I made it to the dinning room I hid behind Blake as he laughed at me. Dixie ran in and I started to giggle as Blake moved out of the way Dixie picked me up putting me on the chair as the maids served me my food. Everyone came down so we all ate breakfast and once we finished someone doorbelled so I went to open the door to reveal 2 little kids maybe aroun 4 or 5 years old run into the house as their mom followed.
Cousin D'Amelio: You must be my cousin's beautiful fiance.
A: Yes miss. I'm Addison nice to meet you.
Cousin: Aw nice to meet you too sweetheart and call me cuz since we are family.
A: Okay cuz.
Cousin: Okay have fun my twins be good!
Once she left I closed the door and went over to the twins who were playing on the couch so I decided to inroduce myself.
A: Hello I'm Addison but you guys can call me Addi.
Paxton/Pa: I'm Paxton and this is my twin sister Peyton and we are 5 years old!
A: You guys are so cute!
Peyton/Pe: Thank you can we play?
A: Of course.
I started to play with them for a bit as we played different games and man the twins are so fun and the cutest things in the world.


Word Count: 1125

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