chapter 10*

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When I said that would be the last time I will be close to Harry, I wasn't kidding. Things with him had taken a major turn, one which I secretly hoped that it wouldn't under whatsoever circumstances. After Alex came from Greece, I spent most of my time with him before I leave to London. For that, I couldn't spend enough time with the boys before they leave for their tour, which pissed Harry off the most. Not that the boys didn't complain, oh they did and they wouldn't let me hear the end of it on how I ditched them for my "new boyfriend".

Harry called me during the week I went MIA while I was with Alex, asking me to meet up. Alex of course didn't want me to go, not that it was something new to me, he hates anything related to Harry or the boys which annoyed the hell out of me. Both he and the boys were now important in my life and I really wanted them to get along, but oh well one could only hope. By that time Harry still hadn't known about the fact that I got a boyfriend, so he really couldn't get why I wasn't spending time with them.

I remember Tia telling me that he thought, since I was quitting my job in London that I would be searching for a new job, so I assumed that's the reason why he hadn't called for a whole week or that he simply wanted space .. Little did I know, that I was mistaken and completely wrong. I still remember the day he called and how cold he sounded to me on the phone, he had said " we are leaving after tomorrow early in the morning. I don't even know why I bothered calling you, but are you really not going to come to say goodbye to us? Is this how it will be now Hazel?" I felt bad when he said that, it was just the fact that I was always being accompanied by Alex, he would literally not leave me for one minute. After a little bit of fighting with Alex and trying to explain to him that it was important for me to go, I managed to see the lads and I wish I hadn't.

Everything was going well at Harry's place, we ordered pizza sat around and watched some comedy movie to lighten up the mood, since Tia was in a pretty depressing mood. One would think, after being with Zayn for almost 3 years, she would get accustomed to him leaving for the tours. However, she hadn't, compared to Soph and Ell.

Later in the evening, I went up with Harry to his room for last minute packing, it was like a routine for us. I would always help him, not that he needed anything nor that we did a lot of packing, since they got everything already prepared and there for them. Although, still there were couple of things that Harry would always want to take with him and it was always a good thing to spend more time with each other.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't come" 

I was confused to why would he think so "and why so?" I asked.

"Well--do I really need to tell you why?" he asked without even looking my way.

"I was busy and you knew it" I hated lying or hiding things away from him, and honestly if you would ask me why haven't I told him about Alex yet, well I have no answer to that. 

"How is looking for a job going?" he asked and actually sounded like he cared and wanted to know if I got it all figured out or not yet. 

What was I supposed to say? oh well you know I have been hanging around with my boyfriend that I still hadn't have time to search for something "Uh-I don't know, okay I guess" I said nonchalantly.

"You know that I can help you with finding one, yeah? I know how you like to manage events and all, you can come work with us. I am sure there is a room for extra one, in addition to that, I will always keep an eye on you and make sure you're alright" he said in that caring sound. This hasn't been the first time Harry offers such a generous offer, though I always turn them down he never gives up. 

I chuckled a little "Harry, you're unbelievable. You still treat me like a 4 years old, I am a grown up. You do know that? However, thank you. But I really want to depend on myself, I don't want the easy way .." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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