Chapter 3*

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Hazel ^>

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I walked back into my room, feeling a little down because of the interaction that just happened between me and Harry. I may sound a bit dramatic, but i care for him and whatever is going on between us was the last this I asked for to happen during this holiday. For that, I decided that first thing in the morning I will go and talk to him, however, for now and tonight I will try to enjoy myself to the max.

I jumped on the bed and dialled Alex's number, he picked up right away.

"Oh wow. Someone is eager to talk to me! it didn't even ring, what were you like waiting for my call or something?" I asked half jokingly.

"Well .. I called you so many times and when you didn't answer I got worried and had my phone in my hands incase you called" he answered seriously.

"Okii Alex chill! I was just joking. And ohh that's so sweet even though there was no need to get all worked up I was asleep and had my phone on silent that's all" I said feeling like I had to explain myself.

"Alight missy I will forgive you this time, so what are the plans for tonight?" he asked.

"Well see Mr, I just woke up, I don't even know which year is this let alone know about any plans for tonight" I answered as I giggled.

"Hazel, were you trying to be funny with the whole " I don't know which year is this" cause if you were then I don't even want to know you anymore. That was lame." 

"Ouch!! and I was not trying, as a matter of fact I am funny and you happen to be jealous that's all, so shut up. Anyhow, give like some time and I will get back to you regarding what will we be doing tonight" 

"HAZELLLL, open up!!" said Tia while knocking the door.

"ALex that's my friend, I will call you back to fill you in alright" I said quickly while getting up to open the door.

"okay beautiful waiting for your call, bye" and he hung up

I opened the door for Tia and straight away she started asking questions and talking nonsense, being her best friend for more that 10 years now makes it easier for me to get her.

"easy there, I was sleeping in Harry's room and yes I am wearing his clothes not for the reasons that are building up in that amazing brain of yours, it is because I had nothing else to wear" I told her as I took a huge bite of the delicious green apple &mmm yummy*

"well you should have told me" she snapped and took the apple away from and started munching on it like it was the end of the world " oh yumm this is tasty" she said.

"give it back Tia, if you know what's best for you" I snapped back at her .. let's just say sharing is one of my qualities.

"whatever .. we have plenty in my room, don't need yours" she said being the snobby the she is.

"I don't even know why we're even friends" I told her trying to be as serious as possible.

"First of all we are best friends and second of all because you love me simple as that" and she jumped me.

"okay okay. Too much love, get off of me I don't want to die yet" I said while half suffocating.


she gave me one last suffocating hug and a sloppy kiss before letting me breathe again. "Okay so get ready, you have like an hour. Then, we are heading to the club" she said before heading out.

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