23 | Dead People Cult

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I looked at the mirror without a smile on my face and fixed my hair. I wished I looked different tonight, but I didn't. The smokey eyes and purple lips completely transformed me but anyone who knew me would take half a glance and say, "Oh, there's Charlotte!"

I ran my hands along the sides of the beige dress I had on. It was plain with a single strip of tan drawn from my one shoulder to the next. The last thing we wanted was to stand out at whatever this party is for.

"Tada!" CJ burst inside the room wearing a green crop top and blue loose pants. Her pink hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She gave a little twirl on the spot.

"I thought we weren't going to wear anything too elaborate!" I exclaimed, looking at my wristwatch. 5.35 P.M. We had about another hour.

"It's not my fault that I look good in anything." She snorted.

"I never said you looked cute, you look like a drug dealer from the 70s which is, as I said, too elaborate." I smiled teasingly, happy with my comeback. She rolled her eyes.

"Should we leave now?" I asked, the excitement of what we are going to do finally setting in on me.

"No, why would we leave so early?" She said hastily. "Besides, I still have to do my nails."

"CJ, for Christ's sake, we are gate crashing a party full of dead people." I reminded her but she still looked at me like what's your point. I threw my hands up in the air and dropped the conversation.

I heard a car drive past my house, and CJ turned her head towards the window so fast that it went like a blur.

"Oh, it's just a random car." She said assuredly, though I didn't know who exactly she was reassuring.

"CJ..." I hesitated, trying to voice my suspicions without sounding like I didn't trust her. "Did you tell anyone about this?"

"What!" Her mouth fell open. "The accusation! See, I knew you never trusted me! As if I would ever do such-"

"You did, didn't you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." She dropped the act and went back to being sulky like usual. "I'm not dumb to go to a potentially dangerous place without backup, or no one knowing where we are."

"CJ, it's just a party." I sat down on the bean bag chair. I instantly felt more relaxed. Bean bag chairs are cool.

"If you die I'm having 'It's just a party' inscribed on your gravestone. They are probably having a meeting down there. Why else would there be a goddamn party?"

"Hey, they are supposed to be dead. Maybe they just needed to let loose for once." I shrugged.

"Charlotte look, not knowing what they are after and chasing after them is ten times more dangerous than jumping off a cliff." She said firmly, waving her hands.

"Some people would disagree, but you do you." I took out my phone and started swiping through Instagram, making sure that guy hasn't posted more details. I may be getting paranoid but I knew today was the night it all ends. I would say I was right, but then we'll be getting ahead of the story.

"Who did you tell?" I asked hurriedly.

This was answered by a knock on the door. My mouth fell open and CJ blushed slightly, before rushing towards it. Rex stood there, tight-lipped and exhausted.

"What did I tell you both NOT to do?" He walked in, but when he was about to close the door behind him, I stepped outside.

"What are you doing?" CJ followed me nervously.

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