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NOT TO BOAST, BUT I completely demolished my fellow comrades at Smash Bros. Of course I would, with my exceptional skills are random button pressing with the aid of the lovely Princess Zelda.

Gabe lets out a giant moan of annoyance and leans far back on the couch, his grip still tight on the console controller. "I am mad," he simply states.

"You shouldn't be," I reply as I lower myself into a more comfortable sitting position. "It's not your fault you're not as good as me."

"Kirby should be able to kick a princess's ass," he grumbles.

"I don't know. I wouldn't mind if Zelda beat the crap out of me," River butts in, earning a laugh or a sign of agreement from the rest of us. Goblin sits comfortably in his lap, his eyes half shut, the second lid moving around every time one of us moves (which happened quite a bit). River's hand comes to the top of the black cat's head and scratches behind the ears, earning loud purrs in response. I almost feel cheated on.

Ellie places the controller down on the carpeted living room floor, hoisting herself up with the help of the coffee table. "We should probably get you out of here if you have that date," she teases with a singing tone towards the end of her statement. I find my eyes rolling with my head giving a shake.

While she's right, I want her to be wrong. It feels like I just now finally found the comfiest spot in the world and having to leave it for an unpredictable amount of time is torture. Glancing at the clock, I have just under twenty minutes to get to the school. Thankfully, it isn't too far down the road.

I huff. "I guess you're right."

"I can take you, if you want," Gabe offers, now rising to a stand like Ellie. "I have to pass the school to take River home, anway."

I nod my head, thankful for his offer. "Sure, that works."

Once all of our shoes are on and our backpacks are collected (I opt for a small-purse-sized backpack), I lock up the Moore residence. Before heading towards Gabe's truck, I shoot my mom a text regarding my whereabouts.

Hey, just letting you know I'm doing an after school activity. Got a ride. I'll let you know when I get home (:

I click the power button after my message is delivered to ensure River or Gabe's sneaking would be avoided. Just as I tucked my phone away, River has opened the door for me, gesturing me in. When I get seated, River clumbers on after me, and without grace. There's a thunk! which causes me and Gabe to shoot him a look. And when we do, we laugh.

OBSESSIVE TEACHINGS » TOM HIDDLESTON AUWhere stories live. Discover now