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"ALRIGHT, WHAT WAS SO IMPORTANT that I needed to leave the most boring dinner of my entire life just to be bored once again?"

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"ALRIGHT, WHAT WAS SO IMPORTANT that I needed to leave the most boring dinner of my entire life just to be bored once again?"

River jabs Gabe in the ribs with his elbow, getting him to cut it with the jokes. With a single look, Gabe's amused smirk falls entirely, his grin now replaced by a frown of concern. Ellie, sitting on my right, angles her face to see mine clearly, though my solemn frown doesn't offer much to console.

"Lynn?" Ellie says softly. One of her hands slip into mine, clasping tightly as if to make sure I wasn't going to float away. "What's wrong?"

Finding the right words are a mission that feels entirely impossible. As I stare down at a napkin, focusing on the crumpled corner to ground myself, doing my best to find my words or how to even begin, I catch River leaning his head down as if trying to catch my eyes. There's a softness in his deep, dark browns, the corner of his mouth twitching as if to tell me that no matter what, things will be alright.

I have to let out a long sigh through my nose. My sight wanders from the napkin and River to the walls of the diner, scaling over each picture frame and expired license plates that were nailed into the ceiling as classic rock anthems plays over the speakers. The claustrophobia and sensory overload of this place acts a bit like a comfortable box that I can perfectly fit into and let myself think. Or, better yet, just rip off the band-aid and get it over with.

It takes me a few seconds to gather my words, analyzing the series of events I want to share with my friends, omitting the parts I'd rather keep to myself. "I figured out who Thomas is," I announce, my words slow to escape my lips. A pregnant silence lingers after my statement. "It was an accident, but I caught him."

The hush that follows my words doesn't last long, as Ellie begins to bombard me with questions. "Who is it? Was it someone on the list? How'd you find out—"

"Ellie, shut up for a second," River shouts over her. Heads turn at River's uncharacteristic shout but resume back to their cardiac-arrest inciting meals. A feverous blush covers River's face before turning his attention back to me.

Three pairs of eyes hold on to my fidgeting body. Each blink asks a question, but I find it difficult to use my voice. Instead, I exhale through my nose again, my palms rubbing into my eye sockets to keep from any more tears from escaping. My heart sinks down my throat, getting caught in my stomach every few beats before rushing back up before I get the feeling of nausea.

I hadn't intended to spill my guts in the metaphorical sense. Truthfully, what happened between me and Mr. Hiddleston was a secret I'd be willing to carry to the grave. Existing as a sweet and sour memory, the gut wrenching feeling that continuously reminds me of that afternoon is too strong to ignore.

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