Chapter Fifteen

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        My weariness grew as the suns light began to shimmer goodbye behind the clouds in attempt to duck beneath the earths horizon. Night was drawing near and as it did so did my inevitable marking.

        I tried to shake the fear from my head. It was not right that I did not want to be marked, even if it was sooner than the norm. He was my mate and he had a right to choose when it was time. However it felt too soon and I did not wish to see my sisters and father. Not yet. It was such a large climb from slave to the kings mate, and I was having trouble keeping my self from hurling at the height.

        I thought of all that had happened in the short space of time. My mind wandered past Eddergan, my sisters, my father, my dreams, the mating, my mate. It was so much to process that I almost just let it go, as though I where being asked a thousand easy questions at once and answered none.

        Why did I have such a bad feeling about the ceremony? Was it Eddergan? Was he still wandering the halls, searching for me? Was it my father? My slave master, he who holds the belt like a second hand? Or could it be my sisters? They would be angered at my sudden rise to fame when they had been dreaming of my exact position for nearly all their life.

        Whatever it was I didn't like it, and as you know there is nothing I trust more than my instinct. Perhaps a blessing from the goddess Luna would steady my beating heart.

        I rose from the bed and began to redress myself. I felt my face burn apprehensively as Veldores eyes traveled my body from head to toe, burning holes in my skin.

        When I was almost fully dressed and I reached for my shirt I felt Veldores hand clasp over my wrist.

        "Why do you dress, we have plenty of time." He asked me. Dark eyes slipping up and down my naked chest.

        "Veldore I would very much like to leave Luna an offering at the temple before the marking is due." I said silently, hoping he would allow me. "In hope of her blessing."

        Veldore sat up. Running a hand through his rich black hair. 

        He turned to his side and rang a small gold bell that was sitting rather royally above a throne of books upon his bed side table.

        A guard came rushing in the room and bowed at the foot of the bed. His chain mail armor slung across his back like a silk, rattling like metal snakes. He up only once through the shadow of his heavy iron helm, to see me, blush and return his eyes to the floor.

        "Is all fit your majesty?" The guard inquired.

        "My mate should like to leave an offering to Luna, fetch me six of my best men, to accompany him to the goddess's shrine."

        The guard nodded and turned to leave.

        "Oh and bring him some Jasmine to burn."

        "No." I managed quickly.

        Veldore turned to me a brow raised.

        I sank back into the bed slightly. "I would..." I sighed, knowing Veldore would never let me go. "I would much prefer to hand pick the offering."

        "Then I will have them escort you to the royal gardens."

        "No Veldore I-" I stopped myself and breathed in. Trying to rashly convince myself I was not being selfish. "I would- I would like to seek out wild herbs." I stuttered. "Luna- I believe Luna would appreciate them more..."

CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now