Chapter Seven

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      Dark shadows where chasing me from behind but I could tell they're search was useless before it even began. I was far ahead of them now, the snow that had settled was a hindrance to them and the fog was beginning to cloud up behind me. Rendering me almost invisible apart from my smell.

      I followed where my instinct carried me, into the deep dark woods. There I undressed and wrapped my clothes in a bundle tied to a string around my neck.

      I felt my fingers burn slightly as I transformed, something that happened every time my wolf had grown since the last time you transformed. A daily cycle of transformation is needed to prevent this however I never had the time. At home they worked my guts off and left me no time to my self.

      Feeling my paws slip into the vibrations of the wind I, for the first time in a long time, ignored my wolf's wishes to return to my... Mate... And ran onward home. My paws plunging into the snow with such a saddening gravity it almost made me stop and turn.

      Luck was on my side, as trees and rivers slipped from view. The adrenaline rush guided me and I found my way home with ease. Since I hadn't gotten lost I had time to untangle the clothes from my back and change back into my own, washing them, drying them and returning them to they're place, crinkled and ruffled.

      I heated some water and filled myself a bath, something I had not in years prepared for my self. I wanted to wash the tingling away. My hand still felt warm and just the memory of meeting his eyes pleased me so. There was nothing I wished more than to return to him. 

      It was a shock sure but what overwhelmed me more was how strong the feelings over powered me. I had no idea being mated would have such a strong hold over me.

      So. King Veldore was my mate. I was a slave and he was a king. I was hardly worthy of him. I wondered if I returned whether he would reject me. My wolf shuddered at that thought and in turn so did I. I did not want to be rejected but I would understand if he did. He was the alpha after all. He would get a second chance to attain a mate, perhaps one better suited to his tastes. A lady, a child bearer, maybe one of good title like that of the woman he danced with.

      I hated to admit it. But I was no match for the king. It would be better for him and the kingdom to reject me and move on. I would die, of course. But little would be at stake. I am, after all, a mere slave.

      In that moment. I hated myself. With a hate that no murder victim could match. I was ashamed of myself.

      Drying myself up with unused towels I got dressed and hurried up stairs to my hole in the attic. The wind slipped through the creak and gashed painfully at my face as I attempted to sleep. My mind was however too muddled with questions and thoughts to mind it. 

      The last I remember was the vague memory of being woken early in the morning by the drunken yells of my sisters and father. I slept like a dead man till evening and did not tarry to understand that the only reason I had been given this chance of freedom was because, like me, they all needed they're rest too.

      They never spoke of the night to me and in turn neither did I. 

      A week passed and I almost thought the entire thing was about to blow over. Only the aching of my lonely wolf was left. Even so I would not return to him. The rejection I was sure I was to experience was one I knew I could not bare. My bond with him, even from such small a touch, was so overwhelming.

      However I was washing the floor in the kitchen with a dirty rag and bucket of old spring water when my sisters sat in the next room over, they where speaking of all the young men they found attractive and who might serve them best in later years. That didn't interest me of course but when they switched conversation to something that more or less related to me. I could do nothing but freeze up and listen.

CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now