Chapter One, Introduction

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Italics= narrator talking, just fyi

Narrator's POV

Quite an interesting family when it comes to soulmates, and certainly not as what you'd call 'normal'. We start off with the two fathers, who are soulmates to another, but also a third person. This other person spoken of is their third adopted son. Then we move on to their first adopted kid, and the oldest, a guy who's aro/ace and only sees his soulmate as a best friend. And lastly we have their second adopted kid, and also the youngest, a girl who received her soulmark, but literally couldn't care less about it.

But, we're getting ahead of ourselves, let's have a look at how the story started.

3rd person POV

It's July 15th, and Shouta and Hizashi are in the changing rooms after training. "Hey, 'Zashi?", Shouta asked all of the sudden, "Hmm?" is all Hizashi answered with. Shouta continued his question, "Did you also just get something that seems like a soulmark?" Hizashi now noticed a new type of symbol surrounding his middle and ring finger on his right hand, "Oh yeah, I think so. Why would we get another soulmark 16 years after we're born?" Hizashi paused for a second, "Wait, Sho... You don't think that-?" he said, before Shouta interrupted him, "I think we've got another soulmate... And they just turned 1?"

Narrator's POV

Everyone has a soulmate, connected by symbols on the same parts of their bodies. In the current world of quirks, these symbols called 'soulmarks' are able to sort of predict what kind of quirk a person could have. Soulmarks are usually based off of a person's favourite colour and their quirk, and if you're quirkless, it usually describes your personality. Soulmarks also usually show up on a specific place of the body, usually relating to said quirk. These soulmarks show up the day you turn 1, both your own and your soulmate's. Naturally, if your soulmate is younger than you, their mark will show up later for you, when they turn 1.

Izuku midoriya, born July 15th, was born with 2 soulmates. When Izuku turned 1, 3 marks appeared on his body: a yellow microphone on his collar bone, a small black and red eye on his forehead, and red lighting surrounding his middle- and ring finger. Izuku was never really interested in soulmates, and often got made fun of due to the fact he had two. All Izuku was focused on, was being a hero, though he was a little curious about his soulmates from time to time. Izuku always wondered which mark was supposed to be his, because they usually indicate what kind of quirk you have. But, Izuku wasn't so lucky in the quirk department, that's what he learned at the age of 5.

Now, back to Shouta and Hizashi.

3rd person POV again (sorry for the annoying switches)

"I mean, I usually wouldn't have a problem with a small age gap, but I think 15 years is a bit too much," said Hizashi. Shouta then replied with: " Well, maybe they aren't that type of soulmate? I've heard of it, there's people who have soulmates but non-romantic.." Hizashi thought for a second before replying," OH! So like if a gay guy had a girl as a soulmate and they were like really close friends?" "Well that's one way of putting it, yeah,"Shouta replied. They both changed in silence, trying to process what just happend. "I just hope they know there's different types of soulmates too, I'd imagine it'd be quite sad finding out that both of your soulmates are too old for you.. Which also probably means they'll have a harder time trying to find love too, unless they're aroace or something, " Hizashi thought outloud.


Alrighty that's all for now, I randomly had this idea like a month ago, and just now had the motivation to start writing- if you didn't read the description, and if this chapter hadn't explained it enough for you: This story is NOT aizawa X mic X deku. This is merely erasermic with dadzawa and dadmic. And yea this story will be monodeku because it's a rare pair, and I've fallen in love with the ship after reading the fics so-
Please don't expect me to update this weekly or something, I'll update when I have motivation, which is barely ever T^T

💜I hope you enjoyed this chapter,💜
💜and thanks for reading! 💜

💜Have a great day/night, and until💜
💜next time!💜

✨Sincerely, Narwhal✨

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