I want to delete myself from existence, MAKE IT STOP!

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I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT! I see a random copypasta with "i want to be destroyed from this plain of existence" at the end of a message and then I see it, FUCKING see it, "Oh that reminds me of Mr Hater..." It started as, "That's funny! That's a cool coincidence!" but it kept going. I'd see someone use the word "existence", I saw someone use the same font of Mr Hater's name, I'd see someone in a tophat and a monocle that looked like the FLAS rage comic character, AND EVERY TIME I'D BURST INTO AN INSANE, BREATH DEPRIVED LAUGH staring at the image as the words 'deleted from existence' ran through my head. It's TORMENT, psychological TORTURE. I am being conditioned to laugh manically anytime I see words in cursive on a red background, I can't FUCKING live like this! I CANT I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T!! AND DON'T GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON THE EMOJIS, I'LL NEVER SEE THE EMOJI WINKY FACE AGAIN WITHOUT THINKING OF MR HATER! I would see a corpse and I can't think of anything other than they were "deleted from existence", I could watch a man murder everyone I love and all I would be able to say: "Were they deleted from existence?" And laugh like a fucking insane person, and the word existence ruined, the winky face is ruined, I can't live anymore, MR HATER HAS DESTROYED MY FUCKING LIFE, I want to delete myself from existence, MAKE IT STOP!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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