Chapter Nine

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I was screaming in pain. "HURRY UP!" I yelled at Johnny. He stepped on the gas. We pull into the hospital parking lot.

Johnny picks me up and runs me inside. "WE NEED A DOCTOR!" Johnny shouted. A doctor ran towards us. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"My fiancee is about to give birth." Johnny says. The doctor nods his head and grabs a wheelchair. Johnny sets me down in the chair. I'm rushed to the delivery room.

When we get in there the doctor and Johnny pick me up and set me on the bed. I start screaming again. Johnny runs to my side and holds my hand.

"Breathe Annabelle, Breathe." Johnny said to me. I take deep breaths. "PUSH!" The doctor said. I did as told.


After 20 to 30 minutes both babies are out. One boy and one girl. The girls name is Rose. The boys name is Jason. The doctor hands me Rose and Jason.

"You did a great job." Johnny said as he kissed my forehead. Johnny takes Jason from my hands and holds him.  I smile. "You Will be able to go home in a day or two Mrs. Jackson." The doctor said. "Thank you doctor." Johnny said.

The doctor walked out leaving me, Johnny, and our children alone. "We did a good job." I said. "I love you." Johnny said. "I love you too."

Two Days Later

"You are able to go home now Mrs. Jackson." the doctor tells me. I nod. Johnny packs our stuff up. We walk out to the car. I buckle Rose and Jason into their car seats. Johnny drives us all home.

When We get back decorations are put up. All the pack members are at the house. Even my family is here. I get Rose and Johnny gets Jason. We carry the babies up to the house.

Everybody crowded around us. "Back up everyone. Annabelle and the babies need their space." Johnny says. "What's their names?" asks one of the pack members. "Rose and Jason." I say.

"Those are cute names." someone said. "Thank you." I said. Me and Johnny walk upstairs to the babies room. We lay both of them in their crib. I kiss both of their heads and I cut on the baby monitor.

Me and Johnny go to our room. I walk to the bathroom. I open the door. "I'm getting a shower. Wanna join?" I ask Johnny. He nods and walks in the bathroom with me. We take a long hot shower.

We get out and get dressed. I walk to the bed and lay down. Johnny snuggles up to me. "I love You." he whispers in my ear. I fell asleep to the sound of his voice.

I woke up the next morning to a loud noise coming from the babies room. I woke Johnny up. We got up and walked to the babies room. We opened the door and I fell to the floor in tears.

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