Part 3

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As they reached the hall, Vikram stepped forward and addressed the guests.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Today this party has been thrown for a special occasion. Today is the engagement of my son, Ranbir with Prachi, daughter of my closest friend, Abhishek Mehra. Please offer your blessings to the couple." Vikram announced.

The hall burst into a loud round of applause. Only Rhea's friends were shocked by the development as Rhea had invited them by saying it was her engagement with Ranbir. Dimpy and Saina, Rhea's friends, looked at each other in utter confusion.

"What is happening?" Dimpy whispered.

"No idea. And where is Rhea?" Saina mumbled.

"I don't know." Saina looked around and shrugged.

Ranbir and Prachi were led to the center of the hall. As they faced each other, Prachi looked up and tried to search Ranbir's face. She tried and failed to decode the true emotions behind the grimness in the visage of the man who used to be such a jovial and lively spirit. She knew she was the reason behind his lost smile. But now that they were getting engaged, why was he looking so grim? Why there wasn't a single trace of joy in his handsome features? He must be really hurt and furious with her.

Ranbir stared at her but didn't let his true feelings reflect on his face, which remained sombre and grim.

Ranbir stretched his hand out to her and Prachi, hesitatingly, put her hand in his. Vikram gave Ranbir the ring. Meeting Prachi's eyes steadfastly, Ranbir pushed the ring on her finger. The gentleness in his touch belying the grimness in his demeanor.

Now, it was Prachi's turn. Daljeet gave her the ring she was supposed to put on Ranbir's finger. Prachi pushed the ring down Ranbir's finger with slightly unsteady hand. On one hand, she was experiencing a tentative unfurling of hope and joy within her as she was entering into a lifelong commitment with the love of her life. On the other hand, however, there was a niggling guilt as she was getting what she had dreamt of but her parents were still apart and very much alone in their respective lives.

Yet again, the hall burst into another round of applause. Except Aliya and Pallavi, everyone else blessed the couple, including those who knew about the kidnapping, wholeheartedly.

Everyone dispersed to the dining area on Vikram's request.

Prachi was looking around for a particular man for a while now but he was nowhere to be seen in the beautifully decorated area. She looked around yet again but there was not a trace of him in the sea of beaming faces. Just where was he? Sighing, she walked out of the hall. She climbed up the stairs and went into the terrace. A man was lounging on a swing in a shadowy corner of the spacious terrace. She didn't need to look closely to know just who the familiar figure was. She made her way towards him determinedly. She knew he must be furious with her but she had to divulge the truth to him. As she reached him, she found out that his eyes were closed. The grimness in his features, however, warned her that slumber was far away from his eyes.

Prachi tentatively placed a slightly unsteady hand on a broad shoulder.

"Ranbir!" Prachi called out quietly.

Ranbir opened his eyes to see her leaningslightly over him. For endless moments, he kept staring at her withoutblinking. Prachi too couldn't look away from the gaze that had captivated herin its mesmerizing grip. Several minutes ticked by but they remained lost ineach other's eyes and oblivious to the surrounding. Suddenly, loud clanging ofmetal from somewhere below invaded their reverie and brought them back to reality. 

As Ranbir began to get up, Prachi stepped back. She had expected him to confront her after getting to his feet. However, defying her expectations, Ranbir got to his feet and began to walk away. Prachi instantly caught hold of his wrist, causing him to stop and turn to look at her.

He looked at her impassively but said nothing. His indifference towards her was becoming intolerable to her.

"Ranbir, I need to talk to you." Prachi entreated.

"But I don't want to talk to you." Ranbir looked away.

"Please Ranbir, at least hear me out." Prachi tried again.

"Why? Did you listen to my entreaties? Then why should I listen to you?" Ranbir glared at her.

"I understand..." Prachi began.

"No, you don't understand anything. Now, let me go." Ranbir jerked his hand away.

As Prachi looked on with eyes brimming with tears, Ranbir began to move away from her.

Vision blurred due to tears, Prachi began to move herself but her ankle hit the leg of the couch, hard.

Prachi gasped loudly and fall back on the couch. Tears of mental anguish mingled with that of physical agony and broke free from the confines of her eyes and began to cascade freely down her cheeks.

Ranbir whirled around hearing her gasp and as soon as he realised that she had hurt herself, he darted towards her. Within a moment, he was by her side.

"Prachi! What happened? Are you hurt? Where did you hurt yourself? It must be hurting. How did you hurt yourself?" Ranbir looked at her worriedly as he showered her anxious queries.

Some more tears cascaded down Prachi's cheeks at his concern for her. She had hurt him so much and yet, he still cared for her so much.

Ranbir, on the other hand, became even more tensed as he saw Prachi shedding silent tears.

"Oh God! Prachi! Is it hurting that much? I will call the doctor." He was about to fish his phone out when Prachi stopped him.

"Ranbir! Stop! I don't need a doctor. I am fine. It's just that I my left ankle collided with the leg of the couch. It's not hurting that much." Prachi tried to pacify him.

Ranbir instantly stooped down and touched the injured area. Prachi flinched slightly but it failed to escape Ranbir's notice. Ranbir threw at a stern glance at her before getting to his feet.

"So, now you have become a pro at lying to me!" Ranbir shook his head.

He went to a nearby freezer and took out a tumbler full of ice. The freezer was used to house cans of beer. He fished out his handkerchief and put some ice cubes in it. He folded the corners and made a makeshift ice pack.

Striding back to her, he kneeled in front of her. He gently hold her injured leg and placed the foot over his folded leg and began to apply the makeshift ice pack on the injured area. Engrossed in the task at hand, he didn't notice the look of pure love and adoration in Prachi's eyes.

After a few while passed, he stopped his ministration and looked up.

"Feeling better?" Ranbir inquired anxiously.

"Much better." Prachi beamed reassuringly.

"Do you think you will be able to walk?" Ranbir asked again.

"Yeah. I can manage." Prachi replied.

Ranbir got to his feet and extended a hand towards her. She caught the hand and gingerly, got to her feet with the help of the sturdy support.

Ranbir slowly led her towards the door leading into the mansion while Prachi blindly followed his lead, with an adoring look in her eyes.

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