Chapter 5

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It was the next day and Dream still hadn't come up with a battle strategy, or anything remotely helpful. He had been purposefully avoiding his friends, other than George, because he still thought they had been a bit harsh to Technoblade. Sure they're right, but they weren't very nice about it. Dream thought. He was currently standing in the middle of the woods, in the same clearing he had talked to Technoblade in, hoping he'd come out. He remembered fighting with George and spotting that red cape, no one besides Techno wore a red cape which made Dream slightly nervous. He heard what I said, he might be pissed. 

"Techno," Dream said. "I'm sorry about what I said..." There was no answer yet Dream knew Technoblade was there, just watching him from somewhere. "I know you're trying to be better, but it's not really happening." There was still no answer and Dream took a deep breath. "So I think my friends are right, you did kill George and knock Sapnap out. And almost broke Skeppy's ribs and possibly mine." Suddenly Dream saw Techno walk out of the bushes, holding a netherite sword and not looking pleased. 

"I thought you, out of everyone there, were on my side," Techno growled. "I guess I was wrong,"

"I just think it's best if you stay away from us," Dream said slowly. 

"Afraid I'm gonna kill someone?" Techno hissed. 

"Um... just a little," Dream said, scratching the back of his head worriedly. 

"Accidentally hurting people is one thing, it's impossible to accidentally kill someone, Dream," Techno said.

"I didn't say it was going to be an accident," Dream muttered, glancing away for a moment. Techno's angry gaze was replaced by a very hurt-looking expression and he shook his head slowly.

"I have no intention of killing any more people, why won't you see that?" He said after a moment, still looking a bit hurt. 

"Well, it's kinda hard to tell when you're threatening people," Dream snapped. "I don't know what I'm supposed to believe right now," He sighed. Techno clenched his fists and glared at Dream.

"I'll have you know that someone asked me to join a war on their side," He hissed. "The war that's going to end you, all because you sent me away. I said no because I thought you'd eventually let me back, maybe I should just go join them," He spat, turning around. 

"Wait what?" Dream said, stiffening. "Wait! What are you talking about?" Techno whipped around to face him, his eyes angry. 

"Now I know I'm not welcome here, why should I have even thought you'd give me another chance?" He snarled. "My only friend is Phil, I need to remember that before I trust people like you again." Before Dream could say anything Techno vanished again, leaving him alone in the clearing. 

"Wait a sec!" Dream said. "Techno!" Dream looked around but there was no sign of the other man. He sighed and turned around, heading back home. If he does end up joining their side, we're screwed. Dream thought as he neared the village. He stopped as he saw two guards standing in the center of the village with a big crowd staring at them in confusion. "Hey, who are you?" Dream demanded as he neared them. 

"Who we are is not important," One guard said. "We need you to come with us so you can talk with our master,"

"No way," Dream scoffed. "You think I'm dumb enough to follow you two into a forest? That's an ambush waiting to happen," Dream said, narrowing his eyes. 

"If it makes you feel any better, you can have my sword," One guard said. "This isn't an ambush, it's merely a peaceful talk," He said, holding out the diamond blade. Dream took it after a moment and then looked at the other guard.

"You too then," He said, holding out his hand. The other guard handed it to him with a nod.

"Dream, don't go with them," George said, his eyes wide.

"That's not a good idea," Bad added worriedly.

"I'll be fine," Dream said. I just had a talk with Technoblade, talking to Wilbur can't be much worse, can it? Dream pushed the thought away, he wanted to know more about what was going on, even if that meant possibly risking his life. 

"Should we come too?" Sapnap said. Dream hesitated. 

"You and George can come," He decided. "No weapons," He added. "Just follow," The two guys followed Dream and the guards as they headed into the woods. Soon they came to a clearing where Dream spotted a man sitting on a chair. They set up a friggin table? Dream thought, eying the long wooden table with chairs around the edges. Wilbur really is a psycopath. Dream thought, heading slowly toward it. When the man turned around Dream froze. That's not Wilbur. Dream thought, staring at the man who sat before him. 

"Hello Dream," MrBeast said. 

"How are you- you're still alive!" Dream said, gripping his swords tightly.

"I'm going to have to ask you to put those down," MrBeast said. Two more guards came from behind a tree, both with diamond blades, and stared at Dream. Dream wasn't stupid, he knew he stood no chance against fully armored and armed guards. He slowly set down his swords and the two guards who they had belonged to took them. 

"What do you want," Dream demanded, forgetting his earlier question. 

"I've arranged a little game for you and your little friends to play," MrBeast said with a grin. "I've hidden something within a two thousand foot radius and if you find it, I won't blow your village to smithereens." Dream was slightly confused, but he knew how much MrBeast liked games, even gruesome ones like the Beast Arena. 

"I like treasure hunts," George said.

"Shut up," Sapnap hissed. 

"What did you hide," Dream ordered.

"A man..." MrBeast shrugged. "Whoever finds him can decide what to do with him, and if you do find him, I won't kill you all, remember?" Dream thought for a moment, glancing at his friends. 

"Who did you hide," He said hesitantly.

"Oh, just a guy," MrBeast said. "If you don't find him within a weak, I'll blow your village up anyways," MrBeast shrugged, grinning slightly. 

"What. Is. His. Friggin. Name." Dream demanded. MrBeast grinned again, clearly enjoying this. 

"Wilbur Soot," 

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