Chapter 1

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"Right, that's all for today's class. Remember, you'll be studying for college exams next year, so you won't get to enjoy your summer vacation. Go out and enjoy the pool or the beach while you still can. I'd be happy to go with you" The teacher said

"What? Why the hell would we invite a teacher to come with us" Toru said

The teacher replied but I zoned out thinking about my family.
I felt a small tap on the back of my head. I turned around to face the person who hit the back of my head with a pen.

"What do you want?" I asked Miyamura
"Oh nothing, you were just zoning out again that's all" he smiled at me.

I turned back around and started to
pack my bag. I got up and plugged in my headset while I cleaned up my desk area.
I grabbed my bag and walked up to Hori.

"Hey Hori-san, thanks for helping me yesterday with my work," I said as I smiled at her and slide off my headset

Hori and I been friends since I started high school, we help each other with any problem we had

"Hey L/n-san, what is Miyamura-san really like?" Toru asked me

"Well, he is  kind and fun to be around and he isn't an otaku as you all think, and I'm not saying that because he's my best friend," I said to him

"Okay okay, We were just wondering" he laughed.

"I gotta go, bye-bye" I smiled as I walked out the door.

Put back on my headset and walked to the entrance of the school way Miyamura was waiting for me.

"Hey dummy, what do you wanna do today," I said as I shoulder bumped him.

"I don't know, maybe we can go by the bakery and eat some of my mom's famous chocolate chip cookies she always makes for you," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder as we started to walk

"Sure, why not-" I was cut off by my ringing phone.

I unplugged my headset and answered my phone.

It was my boss


"L/n-san I need you to be in the kitchen all night, today okay. So get ready and come to work, we have this big celebration tonight and we need to prepare. So get your butt here now!"

"Okay okay, I'll be there as fast as possible"


He hung up

"I'm sorry Miyamura, Tadashi-san just called and he needs me all night" I looked at Miyamura

"It's fine, as long as you bring me back some food I'm okay with it," he said

Around this time we were already close to the subway.

"Okay deal," I said as I shook his hand

"Deal, I love beings friends with a chef," he said with smiling

I always loved his smile. It was so adorable and heartwarming.
I hugged him goodbye and we went our separate ways.

I made my way quickly to the subway and went straight to work. It was a 45-minute ride. So I started to space out.

"You're such a weirdo"

"Hey leave him alone, he's not weird," I said as I stepped in front of Miyamura

"Are you his friend, then that means you're a weirdo to"
"Aww, look at the two love birds"
"You're so stupid"

One of the bullies pushed me.
I grabbed Miyamura's hand and walked out of the classroom.

"Are you okay?" I asked him
"You didn't have to do that" he replied
"And why not"
"Because I'm weird, and now they're calling you weird too," he said
"It's okay, it doesn't matter. Because I'm your friend now and no matter what they say I'll be here with you" I said as I hugged him.

*End of flashback*

I would always be there for you Miyamura because I love you.

~a few minutes later~

The train stopped, I got off and ran to work.

My friend at work helped me get ready since I was still in my school uniform. After I got straight to work.

~ 10 hours later~

All customers went home, and all chefs were left to clean up the kitchen.

"Hey, L/n-san, here are your clothes, I washed them for you since you might not have time to wash them when you get home since it is 12:00 a.m." Haru-san said

"Thank you, you didn't have to though," I said as I hugged her

"No problem, go on home, I'll finish clean up for you" Haru-san 

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Haru- san, you are the best" I hugged her tightly.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

~ at home~

It's been a whole hour, and I finally reached home. I entered my home and no one's here.


No one's home, why can't they just come home


I ate dinner then went to take a shower.
Singing my favorite song I danced as I showered.

I took my medications and went to bed.


I don't know how long I can take these dumb medicine anymore, where are my damn parents. They're supposed to be here taking care of me. Not on something idiotic business trip.

I'll just go to sleep

The next day~

I got up and look at the time 7:00a.m

"Why did I get up so early," I said as I laid back down.
"WAIT, I'M LATE!!" I shouted

I got up and rushes to my shower.
I stumbled as I put on my clothes. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"Shoot!, I forget to take my tablets," I said as I bounced up and down.

I looked at my watch at 7:15 a.m.
"I can pass a day without them" I ran to the subway.

I stopped and realized my train pasted already.
I'll just run.

~15 minutes past~

I'm here.
I ran up into class
"I'm Here!" I yelled

"You're late, L/n," the teacher told me

"I know, I'm sorry," I said as I sat down in my seat.
The teacher looked at me and nods.

I sighed in relief.

The day went by slowly.

Sickly in love [Miyamura x reader]{Horimiya}Where stories live. Discover now