Chapter 19

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~2 months later~

Two months have past and I became one of the greatest chefs in my area maybe even the country, Ena stepfather has gone to jail and I became her legal parent, she's been going to school and we spend a lot of time together
I've been doing good in school, Kitaro and I share greetings when we see each other, the same goes for Miyamura
Father and I talked, and he explained everything to me, the reason why he left and everything
and the woman who had called that night had mistaken father's contact for her actual husband also named Rin
The only thing is my sickness, the pills aren't working anymore and I'm concerned, I'm very close to graduation and I hope I can graduate before I die

"Ena! Come out for breakfast!" I shouted for Ena

"Awesome! Breakfast time!" Ena yelled cheerfully as she slid into the kitchen

I smiled and placed the food on the table
I then heard a knock on the door

Both Ena and I smiled brightly as we both rush to the door, I got to the door first and swung the door open

"Father!!" I cheered as I give him a big hug
"Y/n!" Rin cheered as he hugged his daughter

"Hey!" Ena whined
Rin picked up Ena and hugged her tightly

"My beautiful granddaughter," he said as he walked inside and place Ena down

"Father you're just in time for breakfast!" I said as I took out a plate for him

"Bye Mom!" Ena said as she waved at me before she left for school with Father

I waved back in shock since she hadn't called me her mom before
As I closed the door, my body was filled with joy

I walked into the kitchen happily and cleaned it up

I took today off because yesterday I was really dizzy and my symptoms kept acting up

"oh! before I do that, I have one more thing to do," I said then rushed to the bedroom

"There all 7 are there," I said smiling

I hummed a tune as I made my way to the bathroom to get my pills, I brought them to the kitchen so I can make them into a powder for me to easily take them


I felt myself waking up naturally when I realize I had taken a nap, I slowly got up, as I came to my feet I felt a shocking pain in my heart
I then felt that pain go through all my body, falling to my knees I screamed out of pain

Wanting to live, I crawled myself to the bathroom. As I crawled I felt like someone was beating me with a sledgehammer with every heartbeat, my vision became blurred and I felt my nose running.

I still had some strength left so I force myself to stand up, I looked at myself in the mirror, it was blurred, I used my left hand to support me while I search for my pills with the others.
I realized that I forgot I put them in the kitchen this morning before I can do anything, I started to cough up blood, with each cough I felt my entire chest and throat burn like I was in the depths of hell. Soon my head started banging in pain

I pulled myself together and tried my best to reach the kitchen, but I just happened to crawl my way to the kitchen with tears rolling down my eyes
As I entered the kitchen, my chest tightened and became hard to breathe. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and reached my hand for any pill I can get it on, I got a packet and weakly pulled myself up to the kitchen sink. With shaky hands, I opened the packet and all popped out everywhere.
Luckily one landed on the counter, I reached out for it and place it into my mouth. As I was about to put on the pipe, I started to throw up which made my pill fall out my mouth, by the strong rustic scent, I can tell that I threw up blood

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