III - Trial

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We walk three blocks forwards and one block left. In front of us, is the queen's castle! The castle is with bright gems covered and a huge heart on top. Suddenly, there are thousands of shouts chanting,

"The Queen of Hearts,
She made some tarts,
All on a summer day:
The Knave of Hearts,
He stole those tarts,
And took them quite away!"

Someone took the tarts? SOMEONE TOOK THE TARTS?

"Head for the Queen's castle, to start his trial!" The Nine of Clubs shouts.

"The Queen of Hearts,
She made some tarts,
All on a summer day:
The Knave of Hearts,
He stole those tarts,
And took them quite away!"

The Knave of Hearts is the Jack of Hearts, and hundreds of cards push us in the castle and assign us our seats. Luckily, Ivan and I are together.

"Now, it is right for the Knave of Hearts to have his innocence or guilt determined by a jury of his peers through the due process of law. Everyone get to your seats, and listen as we will call on a few participants to decide whether he should get beheaded or be free!" The Queen of Hearts announces. 

I spot the Mad Hatter, the Duchess, the Dormouse, and even the rabbit who led us here! Surprisingly, the rabbit is right beside me. I nudge the rabbit.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Yeah? Wait a second... You two are the kids on top of the whole! HOW DID YOU GUYS GET HERE?" He exclaims whispering back at me.

"Uh, well, we followed you here. Anyway—" 

"What's your gender?" Ivan interrupts.

"Oh, do you even need to ask? I am of course a male." The rabbit replies.

"Told you so!" I say to Ivan smugly. 

"Now, everyone focus! No chit chat! The lawyer for the prosecution will give his opening statement! The prosecution is the Three of Clubs, who was in the park the whole time watching the tarts." The Queen of Hearts continues. "Are there any lawyers for the defense? If not, the Knave of Hearts shall speak for himself! I will be the judge with my husband, the King of Hearts. Now, members, all rise! That means to stand up." 

We all stand up.

"Now, Three of Clubs, please come up and announce your opening statements!" The Kings of Hearts orders.

The Three of Clubs stands up and faces everyone in the room.

"Today of all the days, I saw with my own two eyes that the Knave of Hearts went to taste the tarts. I announce that he shall be punished, or specifically, be beheaded. I will call up a few witnesses who was at the park that time, to prove this statement." The Three of Clubs states. "Thank you," He finishes off.

The case was now becoming more serious than ever.

"I wonder why we haven't met Alice yet." I whisper to Ivan.

"Same..." He trails off.

"I now will call the Knave of Hearts as defense for himself." The Queen of Hearts says.

The Knave of Hearts rises from his seat, and stands in front of the jury.

"Now, I will also be c-calling witnesses. But I first announce, I did not eat the tarts. Anyone could've stolen them, but just accused me because I was near it. Someone may be wearing a cloak, or have powers, anything like that." The Knave Of Hearts chatters.

"Knave of Hearts, you MUST SPEAK THE TRUTH!" The queen shrieks.

"I AM!" The Knave of Hearts protests.

The Queen of Hearts gives the Knave of Hearts a menacing glare. With her doing that, it felt like she was shooting laser beams coming from her eyes towards the Knave. The queen broke the silence.

"Okay, anyway, start calling your witnesses! Three of Clubs, you start." She demands.

"Yes," The Knave of Hearts says. "I will call The Mad Hatter!"

The Mad Hatter walks to the front.

"Do you swear to tell the truth?" The Knave of Hearts asks.

"Yes." The Mad Hatter proclaims.

"Okay. GO!" The queen orders.

"Excuse me, but I was certainly not at the garden." The Mad Hatter declares. "Oh no! It's six! TEA TIME!" He adds.


Dear readers,

Henlo! I hope you've enjoyed this book so far. I am working hard to update it everyday, but I am ever so sorry if I don't casually. I have a busy schedule, so I hope you understand!


Coco ♥

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