Chapter 31

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I wake up feeling trapped, I try to turn my body but find that I can only move one leg.

Opening my eyes slowly against the sun streaming in through the windows, I look around seeing everyone still asleep. Turning back I look down my body, Loki's arm is still around me but his hand is inside my shirt, soft against my stomach. 

Thor's head is resting on one of my hips and his arm is wrapped around the leg I couldn't move. 

No wonder I feel trapped. Time to wake everyone up I suppose.

I try to wake up Thor by shaking my leg gently, when that doesn't work I shake it harder but he still doesn't respond. 

"Thor!" I yell at him.

 He jumps awake and looks at where he is laying for a moment, confusion on his face before he looks up at me, giving him a little wave. He lets go of his hold on my leg and begins pushing himself to sit up with a sheepish smile until his eyes catch on my stomach.

"When did you get a tattoo?" His face turns confused again.

"Wait, you got a tattoo and didn't tell me?!" I turn to see Nat looking at me with mock betrayal.

"Uh... Guys it's nothing, really" I attempt to tug on the hem of your shirt to hide the mark, waking Loki in the process. 

"Love what are you doing?" He moves his arm out of the way as I continue pulling on the shirt, so you can finally hide it. 

"Kathy has a tattoo and wont let us look at it!" Thor complains.

I look over my shoulder so I can see Loki's face, he looks back at me for a moment until understanding dawns on his and he wraps his arms around my stomach protectively, frowning at Thor. "It's her choice if she wants to show you or not, you need to respect her decision" 

"Wait, you've seen it?!" Thor and Nat shout at the same time. 

"Why are you all being so loud!?" Tony shouts when he gets woken up, I groan and hide my face in Loki's chest, his body tenses as he tightens his hold. 


"Kathy has a new tattoo and wont show us but apparently Loki knows all about it" I see Nat glare at me when I peak at the room. 

Tony looks over at us before a nasty smirk appears "Well of course he's seen it. I imagine he's seen much more than that" 

He gets cut off as I make a pillow fly into his head, narrowing my eyes at him. 

"Surely it can't be that bad Kathy?" Steve looks at me curiously. 

"Oh for goodness sake, Fine!" I shout.

"Kathy..." Loki interrupts, turning my head up to face him. "I don't think this is a good idea" Concern written all of his face as his eyes glance toward Thor.

"Don't worry Lo, I've got this." I turn back to face everyone.

"Today I'm going to show my new and improved powers right? So how about this, if any of you can beat me, I'll show you" I end with a shrug. 

After a few mumbles everyone agrees. I get up and take Loki's hand as we walk back to our rooms to change for the day of training. 


"Are you sure about this Love?" Loki asks me for the third time as we walk to the training room together.

"Lo, I know you don't like this but they're going to find out at some point. May as well make a game out of it." I answer him with a shrug, annoyed at how many times we had discussed this now. 

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