🖤The Promise (Vinsmoke Sanji)

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Alright! This is the first One Piece oneshot I've ever written, and I'm superrrrrr excited! This was a request from Pandawondergirl

Also, the reader is very much implied to be feminine bc they're being compared to Nami and Robin, but you can still do whatever lol

(Updated 11/6/2021)

"Sorry, they're just prettier..." The blond cook had said to me. I could feel my heart breaking in my chest, as I realized what he was doing.

"FINE!" I yelled as I stormed off, tears falling down my face. " I can't blame him, Nami and Robin are so much prettier than me. But so much for being a gentleman..."

~Present time~

"Alright, I can finally find my crew again!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on my hips. Thanks to the training I did with (insert One Piece idol) I got much better at (talent). Not only that, but I got better at fighting, too! Oh, and I got much more attractive. I was also much more overall confident! I can defiantly say that the two years I spent training were very good for me.

I had already just checked in with Shakky, who told me that I was the 10th and final person to arrive. "Okay, I should start at grove-"


I heard a large crash from a few groves over and laughed. "Well, I think I found at least one person!" I wiped the hair from my face and started running over to grove 46.

"LUFFY!" I called from one end of the clearing. PX #5 had just shot at him from a few meters away, so I knew where the real one was now.

"Huh? Oh..."

"OH, Y/N! IT'S YOU! I DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU!" He called with the huge smile that I had missed so much plastered on his adorable face. (Okay, Luffy is one of my favorites. If you hadn't noticed)

"Hehehe, I'll be right over!" I called. I heard his laughter and got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Soon enough, a pair of hands appeared out of the smoke and wrapped around my waist.

"wAIT-" I was abruptly cut off by the air being yanked out of my lungs as I flew through the air. I eventually crashed into my childish captain and we both landed on the ground. I laughed, got up, brushed myself off, and helped Luffy up.

"Y/n!" He latched onto me and I hugged back.

"I missed you too Luffy."

"I got food from Hammock! Are you hungry?" Luffy grinned.

" 'Hammock'?" I giggled.


"Of course I'm hungry, but we should wait 'till we get back to the ship so we can share with everyone."


"Hehe, alright, let's go then!" Luffy climbed off me and we started to walk away.

"You will not be getting past here, Mugiwara no Luffy and (your title)" PX #7 said, stepping right in front of us.

"Oh really?" I taunted. "Try me!" I was about to launch an attack I had learned, but the robot was knocked down by two very muscular figures that landed behind my captain and me.

"I cut him"

"No, I broke his neck!"

"Zoro! Sanji!" Luffy and I called.

"Luffy," Zoro pointed at him. "You're the ninth. And who's that?"

"Luffy," Sanji took the cigarette from his mouth." who's the lovely lady next to you❤~~" He swirled towards me with hearts in his eyes. 'I miss when his love for me was genuine...no! What am I saying???'

"Oh, that's Y/n! I didn't recognize her either!"

"Y/n-chan..." Sanji stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, Y/n, you're the 10th then," Zoro commented. 

Sanji shook his head and looked back to Luffy, "We need to head back to the ship, everyone's waiting."

"Really? They're all on the ship?" I started running towards the Sunny. "I'm so excited! I've missed drawing with Usopp so much!"

"Uh, Y/n-chan, the ship is this way..." Sanji deadpanned.

"Shit, sorry, I guess I pulled a Zoro." I ran back in the direction he pointed. 


~small timeskip~

"ROBIN-CHWAN, NAMI-SWAN, Y/N-CHWAN~~~~~❤" Sanji swirled towards us with smoothies in hand. "I MADE YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS~~~~❤"

"Thank you, Sanji," Robin smiled.

"Thanks, Sanji-kun," Nami grinned.

"..." I remained silent as he handed me the drink.



"You'd normally reply, so I was concerned-" He reasoned.

"Okay, and?" I spat, coldly.

"Y/n, are you still-"

"Yes, you can't just break up with me and then act like nothing ever happened just cause I'm pretty and confident now!" I yelled as I stood up.

"Y/n, I-"

"NO! You hurt me and you can't just come back like it never happened!"

"Y/n, I need you to calm down and come with me and Robin," Nami said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Fine," I said, acid lacing my words. I reluctantly followed my friends towards the girls' room and slammed the door.

"Y/n..." Sanji whispered, finally seeing how much the break-up had hurt you. "I will fix this..."

"I promise."


I had to practically rewrite this whole story cause I got the time-skip part completely wrong, I've caught up now so I hope it's better, Pandawondergirl!

If this gave you inspiration for a request idea, just send me a dm with these details:

1. The anime/book/movie the character(s) (is/are) from 
the character(s) x reader
3. if it's romantic or platonic
4. if you want it to be fluff, more on the romantic side, smut, or angst
5. the basic plot 
6. if you have a title or if I should come up with one myself
7. some info about Y/n


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