New Rooms

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It was the first day of a new school year and I had to move rooms. I liked my old room, it was quite small but I had my own and didnt have to share with anyone. The school told me that I was sharing a room with Billie Eilish. The whole school was scared of her but I barely had any interactions with her so I wasnt really aware of the things she was capable of doing

I had heard stories of her breaking kids noses and arms but I didnt really think it was true. That was until I became her new target


I was walking to my new room when I seen Billie herself standing outside my room. I tried not to make eye contact and she noticed that . " You scared or somethin?" . I looked at her scared as fuck and ignored her " hey I'm talking to you, dont fucking ignore me " she spat. " Sorry this your room?" I asked nervously " yeah, this is my new one, do you know who else is in here with me?" she asked. I was scared to tell her that it was me who was staying with her but I had to. " Uhm..I'm gonna be staying in here too ". Billie looked me up and down and smirked " well great, new bitch to fuck around with " she laughed. I gulped and opened the room. Billie walked in behind me and sat her stuff on her side of the room as I did the same with my stuff on my side.

"What's your name?" billie asks putting on a thick chain and a big ass ring "Y/n..." I reply putting away some of my shirts in a drawer "I'm guessing you already know my name" "yeah..I've heard things about you before". I watch as Billie stops what shes doing and looks at me with her resting bitch face. " what have you heard bout me?" " I uhm nothing much really...". Billie walks over to me and pushes me up against the wall "tell me what you've heard y/n, dont piss me off" billie said loudly " I only heard that you've broken peoples noses and arms...please dont do that to me" I say on the verge of crying "your one silly girl y/n" billie laughs. She let's go of me and walks out of the room slamming the door behind her. That girl has anger issues, she needs to control them.

What is her deal with me, she met me less that 20 minutes ago and she is already on the verge of killing me. I walk out of my dorm room and walk down the stairs into the main school area. I have no clue where Jordan is, we dont have our rooms next to eachother anymore. Jordan is my bestfriend, he has been for a while. We met at the start of last year and have sticked together ever since. I walk into the hall and see Jordan standing on his own looking at his phone. I run over to him and he looks up from his phone to see me

" Y/N!!!" he shouts " oh my god it feels like it's been forever since I seen you!" I hadn't seen him in like 3 months since we all go and do our own things in the summer and he wanted to go back and visit his family who dont live in LA. Me and Jordan sat down at a table in the cafeteria and caught up on some random stuff that happened over the summer when all of a sudden someone sits beside me. Startled, I turn to my right and see the one and only, Billie.

"Hey mamas" she says with a smirk " uh..hi billie" I thought she was looking lunch money or something like that off me "so um I'm not being rude but can I help you with something?" I ask nervous and fuck that shes gonna punch me in the face " can I not sit here beside you?" billie asks with an expression of pure annoyance on her face "no I never said that I was just wondering" I reply "well dont wonder again, I do what I want here okay, understood?" she spat "i-i ye-ah" I stutter like an idiot "good girl now leave, this is my table" the blue haired girl states " but we were here first, I'm not moving"

Billie stands up and grabs me by my hair " what the fuck Billie let go of me!" I shout. Billie doesnt let go and pushes me on the floor " next time i tell you to do something you do it or I'll fuck your pretty little face up, got it?" she asks. I look up at her in shock and quickly nod. Jordan comes rushing over to me and helps me up from the floor " oh my god y/n are you okay?" he asks with concern " yeah... I'm fine, let's just go." We walk out of the cafeteria and go up to my dorm room since our classes didnt start till tomorrow.

A few hours pass and me and Jordan were laughing, talking about past memories we had when Billie comes storming in the room, the door flying open hitting pretty hard against the wall making both me and Jordan flinch. " The fuck is wrong with you Billie?" Jordan says pretty pissed. " Bro why the fuck are you in my dorm room in the first place?" billie spits taking off her rings and chains. " Uhm because I was brought here by y/n?" he replies " well I never said you could come here did I?" she argues back " Billie this isnt just your room, i brought him here to hang out after you threw me on the floor for no fucking reason!" i shout feeling myself getting more and more angry by the second. Billie walks over to me and grabs my chin roughly and brings her face closer to mine " listen here bitch, dont fucking raise your voice to me"

okay I kinda hate this but anyways, enjoy 💀

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