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Y/n's pov:

I woke up in billies arms, I don't remember falling asleep like that but I guess we did. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth then curl my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and grab a pair of ripped black jeans, a blue crop top and go back into the bathroom and get changed. I go back into the room and see billie is awake. She looks so cute when she wakes up, I feel honoured to have this sight. "good morning billie" I say to her as she gets out of the bed. She responds with a slight smile then walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I leave her be and put on my white air forces and gather up my books and pens along with other stuff I'll need for during the day. Once I had finished getting my things billie came out of the bathroom and started getting changed. Not even being bothered by the fact that I was standing right behind her. I turned around, looking away to give her some privacy as she got changed. Something she wouldn't do for anyone else unless she was asked or told.

It was 9:30am and class started in 15 minutes. Billie finished getting changed and walked out of the dorm room, not saying a word to me all morning. I was a bit confused to say the least but ignored it and remembered what she said to me don't act like she's nice because she isn't know for that around here, got it.

I walk out of the room to be greeted by Jordan. I told him about billie sleeping with me last night and he seemed shocked " So your telling me you slept in the same bed with the Billie Eilish, baddest bitch around. Plus you woke up in her arms?" he asks raising his eyebrows at me. I nod and see a smile spread across his face "maybe she likes you, like has a crush on you. Billie never does that with anyone. Not even with her girlfriends" he says. She didn't even cuddle up with her previous girlfriends? That's weird. She can't like me, she wouldnt anyways. That's not possible " she doesn't, your getting too ahead of yourself there" I reply. "Well you can have your opinion on that and I can have mine. Anyways, I've got to get to class. I'll see you at lunch?" he asks smiling " Of course, bye bestiee" I smile and wave goodbye to him and walk into my first class, math. Great way to start the day

Math wasn't an issue with me as I am very good at it. I'm an all A's student, I've never had any issues with my grades. I look around the room for an empty seat and spot one but of course the person beside it was the only and only blue bitch herself. I hesitantly walked over and sat down, feeling her eyes on me as I do so. The teacher starts teaching the class but I wasnt listening. I was more focused on thinking about what Jordan said 'maybe she likes you, like has a crush on you. Billie never does that with anyone. Not even with her girlfriends' those words repeating in my head putting me in a daydream that I was quickly taken out of when I hear my name being called "Hello! Y/n?" Mr Davis shouts. I regain my focus and look at him "Sorry Sir, uhm can I go to the bathrooms?" I ask. " Yes but make it quick" he replies flicking through his notebook and chewing on the end of his pen. I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror, still having Jordans words repeat over and over again. Myself not being able to think or focus on anything other than that. That was until I hear the bathroom door open and in comes the blue haired girl with extremely baggy clothes, lots of chains and some thick ass expensive rings placed on each finger. " Are you good? You zoned out in class for 10 minutes" she says, coming over and standing next to me, making eye contact through the mirror.

"Yeah I've just got some things on my mind at the moment" I say to her breaking the eye contact as it was getting more and more intimidating by the second " I know people in the school know me for being a bully who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but if you wanna talk to me about it then go ahead, I'm here to talk" she says to me. I couldn't tell her about Jordan said. No way was that possible, also it would mean she would know I told Jordan about last night and she would kill me if she found out. " No its fine, honestly it's nothing, I'm...gonna head back to class now" I half smile and walk out of the bathroom and back into class. I sit back in my seat and a few minutes later billie comes back in and sits back in hers. Peope all turned around and stared at us when they realised that me and billie had both went to the bathroom and then came back minutes after eachother. As if they all knew something I didn't...

I ignored it and started paying attention to the teacher. Class ended and we all got up to leave. I only had one more class today and that was in a few hours. I made my way to the cafeteria where I was meeting with Jordan to have lunch. When I arrived I seen him sitting in our usual spot we always sat in. I walked over and sat down. " hi Jords" I say, him smiling and replying "hey bestie." I told him about what billie said to me in the bathroom and then about what happened when i walked back into class, I could see him smirking about it. He got his food and sat back down. I wasnt really that hungry so I didn't get anything to eat for lunch. 20 minutes passed and me and Jordan started walking back up the stairs to get to our rooms. We said our goodbyes then headed different ways to our own dorm rooms. As I walked into my room I see billie laying down sleeping in my bed. Why the fuck is she on my bed? Yet of all sleeping!?This bitches bed must be dry by now, she didn't spill that much water on it. I decided to leave her sleeping, I didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful and cute. I sit down on the edge of the bed making sure not to wake her but I was unsuccessful with that. She rolled over and groaned.
"Oh shit" she said and quickly got out of my bed " what's wrong?" I ask her, confused. " I didn't know you were gonna be back this soon..I thought you would have went to your friends room" she said, her face looking very red. Was she embarrassed that she fell asleep in my bed and I seen her? "what's the issue with you being in my bed?" I ask, fixing my curled hair. "so you don't mind?" she says, not answering my question but asking hers. "no" I reply. " You can't tell anyone about this, i mean it" she says sternly. " I won't, and even if i did why would it matter?" I ask. She shoots me a dirty look and walks over to her side of the room, ignoring me.

Billie left the room not long after and went somewhere, I don't know where though. It's none of my business anyways. Our last class of the day got cancelled since the teacher was sick and couldn't make it to class. I didnt mind it at all. Usually in science we have to do projects with the person we sit beside and I happen to sit beside billie in all of my classes which kinda sucks. I'm gonna be bored for the rest of the day since Jordan told me he was busy with some guy he met in his first class earlier so he couldn't come over. Billie left which to be honest didn't really matter because she just ignores me when she's here so it wouldn't make a difference whether she is here or not. I picked up my phone and seen I had a message from someone under the name 'daddy🖤 '. I immediately knew who it was and changed the name to just 'billie' then clicked on the message.

meet me outside of the bathrooms now. Hurry up about it too

Why does she want me to meet her there? I really can't be bothered to move from my bed either. Fuck it, I'm not going.


I'm not leaving the room, you want me then you have to come to me yourself

nah nah nah don't talk like that to me, your gonna walk uour fine ass down to where I told you to go okay? And like I said, hurry up about it too

I read the message and decided it would probably be a smart idea to listen to her and go meet her. I put some shoes on and head out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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