Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Just here to warn you for triggers! Please, don't read if you get triggered easily. I would hate to hurt you guys
-=+=-wills POV -=+=-
It has been a week since I moved away. Everything was perfect! It seemed like nothing could go wrong! But perfection never lasts. I should have known the world wouldn't let me be somewhat happy...

I hummed as a brewed some tea. I know, so god damn British of me! I grabbed my cup of tea, and headed into the living room. I jumped, dropping the mug shattering into pieces when a loud bang was heard. Someone was banging at the door. Huh? Graser was at work, but he has a key.... So, who could it be? I slowly made my way to the door. I peeked through the peep hole. I froze, petrified.
"I know you're here!!" My father screamed, banging even louder. I backed away shakily. I ran over to my phone, shakely dialing grasers number. My finger hovering over the call button. I shook my head, exiting out. No. This is your problem! Stop dragging other people in it!! So, what do I do?? I was completely lost. That's when the door broke down. My father stalked over to where I was, wearing a sinister smile. "I knew you where hear..." He said, in a deadly voice. I started shaking violently as he slowly made his way over. You know what's scary? Normally, he would be screaming at me. But now? He was smiling, bearly speaking above a whisper. And that fucking scared me.
He yanked my arm, dragging me to the door. No! No, I can't go back!! I started struggling, trying to yank my arm away. He only tightened his hold, still wearing that god forsaken smile. I whimpered, knowing there was nothing I could do. I was weak, and he knew that. He threw me into the back seat. The drive home was quiet. The only thing that could be heard was my heavy breathing.
When we reached the familiar place, the place that was foreign to me know, the place where I was trapped for so long, I was petrified. All hope that I would be saved drained from me. I slumped back in my seat, completely giving up. Father came over and hauled me out of my seat. I sluggishly followed him. "Go to your room, I'll be up in a second." He stated calmly. I numbly nodded.
"Yes father." He smiled at how cooperative I was. I made my way into my room. I looked around. It looked exactly the same, like I never left in the first place. I sat down on my bed. I laughed bitterly. Why would I of believed that I could get away from him? I heard the loud footsteps of my father as he made his way into my room.
"I'm going to punish you." He said simply. I nodded, already expecting this. But I wasn't expecting when he started to take off his belt. What? He's going to hit me with a belt?? That's what I thought, but then he took off his pants.
"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked, backing away.
"You know, since your mother left I haven't really had sex with anyone. And I hadn't realized this, but you're pretty good looking your self." I gagged. He isn't planning on what I think he's going to do, is he....? He loomed over me. "Strip." He said. I started shaking again. I shook my head. He glared at me. "Strip!" He said, raising his voice. I shook my head, backing away until I hit the the wall. Father smacked me across the face. "Fine! Then I'll do it for you!!" He yelled, grabbing my arm and throwing me on the bed.
"No!" I squeaked out, tears rolling down my face. He ripped my shirt off, then my pants. I tried to run away, but he's tougher than me. He grabbed his belt, and tied my hands to my head bourd. He then threw my underwear off. Th-,this can't be happening. Father sloppily started kissing me, shoving his tongue in. I felt sick to my stomach as he tasted strongly like alcohol and ashes. I bit his tongue.
"Ow!" He cried, jumping back. I smiled at how I made him bleed. "You bitch!" He hollered, punching me. Fuck, I shouldn't of done that! My mouth filled up with that familiar metallic taste. I spit out the blood on the floor. He ripped my hair, pulling me up. "Listen you worthless thing! Be a good boy, and listen to your father! Cause I have always been there for you! I will be the only one to care for you." I hiccuped, knowing that he was right. Why would someone love someone like me? I nodded. "Good." He said, smiling slightly. He brushed his finger along my lip. "Now be a good boy, and make use of this." My eyes widened. No! I shook my head, thrashing around trying to get out of his grip. He growled, tightening his grip. "Fine! I'll use your other hole!" What!?
"No!" I screamed. "I-I'll do it! I'll do it!!" I cried out. Father shook his head.
"Too late..." He whispered into my ear. Cries raked my body. This can't be happening.... I lied there, motionless. Excepting what was going to happen. If I struggled, it would be even worse. I closed my eyes, memories flooding in.

I smiled at the adorable boy infront of me. I excepted that i had a smaaaal crush on jordan.... He was just so perfect! how could i not??

"Will??" bayani asked, chuckling. i blushed, realizing i zoned out staring at his face. i giggled, scratching the back of my head.

"Haha... Sorry...." i said awkwardly. Bayani chuckled, pulling me into a hug. My heartbeat instantly increased. My face was probably as red as a tomato! Bayani started tickling me. My eyes widened, and i tried to squirm away from him. "Bay-bayani?!?! St-stop!!!!" i screetched.

"Haha!!! You're cute when you blush..." Bayani said. His eyes widened when he realized he said that out loud. I blushed, looking down. I peeked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Really?" I asked meekly. He blushed, nodding. We looked into each others eyes, inching towards each other.

"Hey guys!!!" Graser yelled as he burst through the door. I jumped away from bayani. Graser looked from me to bayani, eyeing us up. "Did i interupt something??" I wildly shook my head no. "Okay then..."

But i couldn't stop thinking that yes, Graser did in fact interupt something.

I was crying now. "Please don't..." I croaked out to father, as a last chance. When he just laughed, I knew that he wasn't going to stop... Just as he was about to thrust in, the door busted open. Graser and Bayani ran in. When they saw what was going on, they looked disgusted. Graser tackled my father to the ground, while bayani came over and untied me. He picked me up braidal style. I burried my face into his shoulder, crying the hardest i have ever cried before. He draped a blanket over me. A few seconds later, police came in. They broke up Graser and my father, arresting my father on spot. I can't even call him my father anymore! He was a monster, a shell of what he used to be. He's Adam, not father... As I watched the police take Adam away, he was screaming something at me. I couldn't hear though. My vision slowly became blurry, and black started to edge its way into my eyesight, then everything went black.

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