Fashion Show [chapter 17]

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"Bakugo, just get the kids fucking dressed!" you yelled at him from your bathroom, scanning the counter for the right eyeshadow pallet.

You and Bakugo were currently having a slight disagreement on who should get the kids dressed. The argument was leaning more in your favor as you still needed to finish getting ready, meanwhile all Bakugo had to do was put on his tie. The kids were just listening, being unaffected by the yelling since it was a common occurrence in that household.

"Shut up!" he yelled, roughly picking up Hina who was just chilling next to Kaito.

He slammed open the door to her room, heading straight towards the closet where the outfits Momo had made for the two of the kids (using her quirk) was located. He found the dress, throwing it down on the chair in their room while he started undressing Hina.

He changed her diaper before throwing on her dress, doing the same for Kaito. Except Kaito had a vest and tie with some pants.

"They're dressed," Bakugo grumbled, taking a quick stop at your bathroom door before stomping to his room.

Bakugo threw on his tie, not having any regard fo if it was on straight or not. He just wanted to leave, finding this whole situation stressful. He sat on the couch, Hina and Kaito playing on the floor with their toys.

He had his head resting on the back of the couch with his eyes closed, a sigh escaping his lips as he tried to calm himself down. He waited for you to finish getting ready, staying in the position he was in. Well that was until he heard your footsteps coming into the room.

When Bakugo opened his eyes he saw nothing but an angel.

You were standing in front of the hallway with a fitting dress, your makeup and hair done very well for the little amount of time you had. You had a handbag gripped tightly in your right hand as well as Bakugo's bag he used for the kids in your left. Your lips were pressed in a thin line and you were breathing heavily, all the running around you had to do taking a toll on your stamina.

"Beautiful," Bakugo said without realizing, his mouth hanging agape as he started blushing from merely seeing you.

You smiled at him, looking down at the kids who matched with you. Bakugo did as well, but his was more subtle. You let out a sigh, bending down and picking up Hina who looked at you with awe.

" Mommy pretty," was all she managed.

"Aww," you lip jutted out a bit, "Thank you."

"Mommy pretty indeed," Bakugo whispered, moving to pick up Kaito who was also staring at you.

Bakugo went over to you and grabbed his bag from your hand, giving you a small peck on the cheek when he did. It was unexpected, but very much so appreciated. Your's and Bakugo's eyes connected for a moment, him giving you a quick up and down look like you were his prey before walking towards the door to put on his shoes.

"You look handsome," you complimented, sliding on the heels you were going to be wearing, Bakugo handing you the matching flats for Hina.

"Mhm," he hummed, "You look better though."

"Stop with the flattery," you rolled your eyes, a chuckle coming after.

Bakugo put on his and Kaito's shoes, taking a quick glance at you and Hina to see if you were ready before grabbing his keys and holding the door open for you. You walked through, Bakugo closing the door with the hand he wasn't using to hold Kaito. He locked the door, following after you to the elevator.

"I think my mom said we have a driver that's taking us," Bakugo said to you once the elevator doors shut.

"I feel so expensive," you said in a tone barely above a whisper, Bakugo looking at you from the side, "I don't know if I like it or not..."

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