My mom was still practically in a coma because of all that money we got. I mean think about it, 2000dollars, just coming in the mail. I mean how often that happens is beyond me. 2000 dollars. In our mail.OUR mail. I guess I am in a coma too. My mom has been asking me if I wanted to go out for ice cream orskating and all, but to be honest, I’m a little concerned. I don’t mean that like some kind of psychologistor something, but really. I mean if she keeps trying to spend money, we surprisingly might just run out!
I decided to go and get some coffee downstairs, where I heard my mom humming. I really wish shewould finally stop and come to her senses. I started walking down the stairs and saw my mom in anapron covered in flower. My dad and I got her that a few years ago, when he was here. I actually have afeeling that somehow we got her that flower the same day… Uh oh… I got to the bottom of the stairsand realized how loud the humming actually was. She could sing at the church and kill everybody. Eitherway I don’t think she will stop singing any time soon.
“Hey mom.” I said. I don’t think she heard me because, well, guess. I leaned over the counter and lookedat her. She had her earbuds in her ears and was listening to some song by Justin Bieber. I cringed at thethought that my mom who I thought may be cool, was listening to Justin Beaver. I have always calledhim that right after I burned my albums in the fire place.
“Hey mom” I said a little more emphatically. “Hey Hun!” She took one ear bud out and turned around. “Iwas just baking caramel cream pie, your favorite!” Okay, this was getting a little too out of hand, and Ihad to tell her. “Thanks mom, but you don’t have to do that. You don’t haveto make a fake life for mejust because dad is gone and we got that money. You really don’t.” I didn’t want to hurt her, but I justhad to tell her. I had to tell her that this was all wrong. “You, You’re right honey. I shouldn’t be using thismoney to make us feel better. I’m really sorry. That I put you through that.” She walked up to her roomand I heard a door shut. And that’s all I heard from her for a while.
I walked away from the table and decided to finish the pie. Our family has never really done things likemake sweets like this or watch a movie together or even put anything like have a good day on ourfridge. I opened the fridge to get some milk for the crust, which she still hasn’t made. I grabbed the milk,put it on the counter and shut the fridge. I turned away and then saw a small green note sticking on ourfridge. I picked it up and my heart raced. I know that wasn’t there when I opened, so how did that getthere? I looked at it and it read, “Good luck”. I felt a pain in my stomach. I couldn’t breathe, talk or evenclose my eyes. I fell of the floor and saw something. It was another note under the fridge. I slowly pulledmy arm out as I whimpered and read the note as I pulled it back to me. “I warned you” it read. I criedand whispered out to my mom. That was the one minute I had before I blacked out.

A Prayer Answered
Teen FictionWhen your dad died in a war, and you have nobody at school who cares about you, life sucks. She has no friends and she prayed for luck. But when she gets what she asks for, will she take things too ser...