chapter two

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There wasn't much Oikawa didn't know about his best friend. He knew Iwaizumis's favorite food, his favorite manga, and his favorite subject. He also knew about the little things, like how Hajime didn't like rain but loved the smell after. He knew about Hajime's love for animals and how he could name every single bone and show you where exactly they were on your body and what function they had.

But lately, and it pained Oikawa to even think about it, but lately Iwaizumi seemed distant. There wasn't an obvious change in their daily routine or the behavior of either of them but there was a subtle shift that felt almost like tension. The sort of tension that left you worked up and confused. Oikawa wasn't sure if he liked the change in their friendship that had not really undergone any developments over the years. The had always been Oikawa and Imaizumi and it had been fine the way it was.

Oikawa supposed it was healthy for a friendship like theirs to undergo some changes but it hurt him to know that Iwaizumi kept things from him. The thing with his chest pain was the most obvious indicator of Iwa's lack of trust in his best friend. But there were other things as well, that Oikawa couldn't really put a finger on.

He tried not to stare at Iwa at practices too much but found himself doing so way too often. He didn't even know why but whenever his mind began to wander and he was lost in his thoughts his eyes found Iwaizumi.
This happened in class as well.

Just a couple of seconds he caught himself doing it again. Iwa and he were walking home from school after yet another exhausting week. After Oikawa had told his best friend about his day and had made a couple of jokes the conversation had faded. If Oikawa didn't talk they didn't talk at all. It wasn't like Iwaizumi to start a conversation and Iwa seemed to be lost in thought today as well.

Oikawa suspected it was because of the upcoming game or their double date today. Iwaizumis reaction to the double date had surprised him pleasantly as he had expected the boy to decline immediately.

Iwaizumi never had any luck with girls but this wasn't because he was ugly or dislikeable as he was quite handsome and a nice guy. It was rather that he made no effort in getting with them.

It had always been weird for Oikawa to see Iwaizumi get distant around girls when everyone could clearly tell that they were interested in him. Sometimes Iwaizumi said that no girls had ever been interested in him and his weird view became even more apparent.

But Iwa wasn't just popular with girls. Everyone liked him, which was very different from Oikawa though I might not seem that way at first.
Oikawa was very popular with the girls, yes but he had many haters too and a lot of people found him annoying. People either liked him or loathed him with a passion.

Everyone liked Iwa though. He was just such a calming person to be around. Always quiet and respectful never tactless but serious and smart. Oikawa admired that a lot about him as well.

Sometimes he was even afraid that someone would come and steal Iwaizumi- his Iwa-chan away from him.

Now those fears had multiplied. Iwa wasn't paying as much attention to him anymore and he was a lot quieter than normal.

It hurt Oikawa to even think about losing his best friend and he would do anything to keep their friendship.

He knew Hajime was not comfortable right now, probably getting ready for the date and overthinking a lot.

The girls were very nice and had been Oikawa's fangirls for a long time. He remembered seeing one of them in the stands one time and giving her a grin that had lead to her fainting.

Normally he didn't go on dates with his fangirls. He liked the attention and the validation they gave him but he never went out with them. The two of them had caught him at a bad time, though.

He had been too absorbed in his thoughts to notice them and when he did it had been too late. He had knocked one of them over with such a force that she not only fell back but hit her head pretty hard.

With wide eyes, Oikawa had wanted to take her to the school nurse but she had excitedly declined upon seeing who had knocked her over and had instead asked for him repaying her by taking her and her friend out.

To make the encounter a little less awkward Oikawa had proposed a "Double-Date" as he did not think he could survive those two girls on his own.

He also enjoyed Iwa's presence more than anyone else's and would have spent time with his best friend on a Friday afternoon anyway.

With that thought in mind, he dialed Iwaizumis number that he had memorized. Though he wasn't good at remembering most things he put extra effort into it when it came to Iwaizumi.

After a couple of rings, his dark-haired best friend picked up.
"Hi, Hajime," Oikawa said cheerily and was greeted by a low grunt. Joy surged through Torus's body at the sound of his best friend's voice.

"Are you getting ready?" He asked while probing himself on his bed. He wiggled lightly with his legs a big smile plastered on his face.

"What else would I be doing?" Iwaizumi asked sarcastically and huffed lightly. It sounded like he was taking off his shirt and Oikawa's mind wandered to the encounter they had had a week previous and how he hasn't been able to take his eyes off of Hajime's body.

Normally Oikawa felt jealousy when looking at other men's toned bodies as he wasn't as muscular. His body was leaner and more subtlety strong. But he hadn't felt jealous at all at the sight of Iwa's body. It felt like pride but deeper. More connected to his core than his heart. It was a weird feeling but it was also exciting.

He had felt this feeling several times before. Often when it was just Iwa and him. When Iwa have him this special smile. When Iwa wrote him a good morning text.
When they were alone in the showers after a draining match.

"I don't know but I'll be over soon." He laughed and received a small chuckle back that made his heart jump with joy.

"Good, my mother misses you."
Iwaizumi said and Toru could make out the smile in his voice.
He pushed himself up from his bed, threw on a Jean-Jacket, and kissed his mother goodbye.

"I miss her too. You know what, sometimes I think I like her more than you." He lied while closing the door and breathing in the fresh air.

"You're a liar." Iwaizumi said and Oikawa knew that it was true. And he knew Iwa knew it was true. Maybe everyone knew that there was no one in the world that Oikawa liked more than Iwaizumi.

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