1: Him

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It's so weird, writing a letter to you, but with everything that has been going on and how hectic everything is, I don't know when I'll get to take a breath and spend time with you.

It sucks.

It sucks that by the time I come home, you are asleep and when I wake up, you've already left for work.

It also sucks that you are not selfish enough. You let me catch up on my sleep, going as far as changing my alarm. Would it kill you to wake me up so that we could spend a few measly minutes?

It's lunchtime right now, so I can relax for a few minutes before I'm swept back into the legal work. I know writing a letter doesn't scream relaxing, but pouring my feelings and frustrations on this paper to you is therapeutic, to say the least.

Ugh! I wish I was at home spending time with you. I'll take you over these cases, any day. My head hurts, not literally so don't panic, reading these files and I know being a lawyer was my choice and one that I enjoy, but I swear if I get another person stupid enough to not have a lawyer go their contracts, then I'm going to strangle somebody.

Oh god, I hope this letter stays between you and me and then stuffed away in the bedroom. I need plausible deniability.

I'm trying to wrap up the cases as fast as possible, but even with all the associates, I don't see it clearing up before the end of the month.

Plus, we have a bunch of new interns and while they are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I'll be the Dementor sucking all the happy memories and aspirations away.

And new interns translate to kids with so much pep they could keep the lights running, but zero sense of how everything works in the real world. I can't blame them for that, though. However, I can blame them for not understanding simple instructions. The number of times we have to make them do the same thing again and again.

They're so f—king tiring...

Sheesh. I almost got caught. One of them just came into the cabin to ask a basic-level question. *eye roll*

I'm sorry.

I'm trying to wrap up everything I can before this week ends so I can have, at the least, two days with you and relaxation. To be honest, you need to relax too. If you think I haven't noticed the tired look on your face, then you are mistaken.

If you get the chance to come home a few hours early, hell, even an hour early, please do that? Lie down, play your favourite music, go to the park or, you know, bicker with Pushkar if you have to. Catch up on that much-needed rest. One of us should be able to.

Lunch is coming to an end in a few minutes and I have a few incompetent f—ks to wrangle in shape.

I don't think I'll be home by the time you get to bed. I'll leave this letter out today, so you can read it tomorrow. Maybe, it will entertain you for a few minutes.

I miss you.



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