Chapter 1

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3rd story on Wattpad. :) as usual, I own nothing American Horror Story (wish I did though), I only own Alice, and parts of the plot, but not all.
Oh and there won't be regular updates, just to warn the nonexistent readers.
The 2nd pic is Thredson in this chapter, outfit wise.

Girl's POV-----
Bright, blinding fluorescent lights greeted my conscious eyes. I sat up rapidly, black spots dancing in my vision. Sitting on a dark, beat up sofa I looked around cautiously, becoming more aware of my surroundings. I could hear voices, seemingly arguing. I was in the corner of an office, nicely furnished with a desk, an array of chairs, several mismatched filing cabinets and the couch I was currently residing on. Looking to my right, I identified the voices. There was a tall man with his back to me furiously talking to a older, blonde nun. I coughed purposefully and they immediately quieted, silence overcoming the room. The man turned and I noticed he was wearing a black suit and tie with a white undershirt. He had dark, neatly brushed hair and black rimmed glasses which cast a shadow over his unbelievably mysterious dark brown eyes. I sat there observing him, waiting for one of them to speak.
Finally when no one did, I spoke softly, "I'm sorry but I seem to be having some long term memory loss. Might I ask what year it is?"
The nun sniggered and I ducked my head down, embarrassed, cheeks flaming. The man answered, "It is currently 1964." I sucked in some air quietly, not remembering anything about why I was here, or any of my past, favorite color, song anything. But I did know my name, and now the year. I stood up cautiously. The nun introduced herself, "I am Sister Jude and you are at Briarcliff Manor. You've been taking up space for a few days now. You were found unconscious on the front grounds."
I apologized quickly, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be a burden."
The man smiled a little, "You weren't, we just laid you on the couch since we didn't have any open rooms. I'm Doctor Oliver Thredson, and you are...?" He stuck his hand out in the space between us.
I smiled brightly and shook his hand, "Pleasure to meet you doctor, my name's Alice."
Sister Jude excused herself, "You seem to have control of the situation here doctor, I need to go find Sister Mary Eunice," and left briskly.
Dr. Thredson gestured me to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk, normally meant for patients, while he sat in his chair at the desk. I sat down, a little stiff from not moving in a few days. He grabbed a few papers and started talking mechanically, like he had done this many times, "So, what is your full name?"
My happy demeanor dropped and I looked at my hands, which were in my lap, "I do apologize but that's the only thing I can remember. I mean I can remember proper etiquette and how to get dressed, mundane, everyday things like that, but I can't seem to recall anything specific. I'm sorry,"
He leaned back in his chair, curious and a little in awe, "Nothing?" I shook my head regretfully.
After a few seconds I asked, "I'm guessing there aren't any mirrors to be spoken of," he shook his head and I stood up, " Then can you do me a favour and tell me what I look like, please?" He stood up and slowly walked out from behind his desk. I straightened my back and looked at him.
Dr. Thredson looked me up and down, "I'd say you're around 5 foot 6 inches. You're fairly thin and have a pale complexion. Along with beautiful long, wavy black hair, mystifying steel gray bluish eyes and prefect cupid bow lips." He wasn't the only one blushing by the end of his description.

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