Chapter 2

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I stood there silently for a period of time before quietly stating, "Thank you" and looking down at the floor. He coughed purposefully, "Since all the patient rooms are occupied, Sister Jude has decided you shall be staying in solitary until we obtain your records. Then we will evaluate whether you are required to live here permanently or if you can leave-" I zoned out after that, It would most likely be imperative that i pay attention but currently all i could focus my thoughts on was how attractive Dr. Thredson's voice was. I liked the sound of it, very much. I decided I could listen to it all day and not get tired of it.
"-Follow me," I stopped daydreaming and found Dr. Thredson walking to the door, waiting for me to follow behind. I quickly fell into place and we walked down the corridor to the right of the office, turned right, left, down the staircase and the first door on the left. It was made of metal, i was slightly terrified at what i would discover behind the ominous steel door but i already trusted Dr. Thredson to not throw me to the sharks right away.

Next Day
I woke up to a pounding at the door and one of the male orderlies speaking forcefully but not unkindly, "Miss Alice, Sister Jude requests that you come to her office with me now." I groan quietly, I really wanted to stay in this room until I could leave or talk to that Doctor I met yesterday.
When i gave no complaint, the orderly opened up the door and escorted me to Sister Jude's office.

The Unsolvable Mystery (Thredson)- AHS AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now