Chapter 3

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"Until such time that we receive your records and find out who you are, you shall be staying with us Ms. Alice," Sister Jude explained. "Just because you may not need to be here does not mean we can just let you waltz out of this establishment."
I sighed, well aware that there most likely was some truth in those words. I didn't know who I was. Maybe I was just as insane as the other people in this building, I just had forgotten it. It seemed that my fate lie in Sister Jude's hands.
Sister Jude kept talking, oblivious to my thoughts, "You shall be staying in your current room for the duration of your stay with us. Now, there are rules here, we run a business, not a poor house. You will work for your food, same as everyone else here. When...."
I zoned out, thinking about the events of yesterday.
It seemed that the people here were black and white, no shades of grey here. The handful of people I had met either treated me with respect and were nice, like that Dr. Thredson, or they were more strict, rules are everything, like Sister Jude.
I wasn't sure how I was going to handle this all. It was confusing enough already without schedules and rules. My life was a puzzle without the pieces. I felt a little scared, what if i never regained my memory and stayed in this asylum forever?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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