Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

What in the world is Aaron's dad doing here? Let alone why is he the new science teacher? Ewwww. And people said he was cute. No just no! Never should you think any guy over 40 is cute, especially if they are someone's dad. Just as I am getting over the shock of this, Kim leans over and whispers

"Oh wow he is cute, everyone was right."

"Um Kim..."


"Our new science teacher is Aaron's dad."

"Well that explains why he is sooooo good looking."

"Kim, just stop"


"Nothing, just stop."


"Unless you want--" Before I get a chance to finish I am interrupted.

"Now girls I understand that it is the first day of school and all, but that is no excuse to you talking in my class. Is that clear?" Aaron's dad is standing in the middle of our desks, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"Sorry Mr--" I am not quite sure what Aaron's last name is so I don't know what to call him.

"Storm. Mr. Storm."

"Sorry Mr. Storm, won't happen again."

"Better not" He sends another glare our way and makes his way back to the front of the class.

"Sorry for that little interruption, now where was I...oh yes. Hello everyone My name is Mr. Storm and I am going to be your new science teacher. Some of you may know my son Aaron. I hope that all those who don't know him are very friendly and make his stay her as nice as possible. Now who is ready for a fun year of science? No one? Oh well. So first things first I know you guys are probably going to hate me for this but it's in the teachers guide book that I have to give you guys some kind of test on the first day of school. But before all of you guys start your moaning and groaning hear me out. I am going to give you two tests. One to see where you are in your science and another for me to get to know you. "

He walks over to his desk and picks up a huge pile of paper. He walks over to each row and hands a stack to the first person. I wait a minute till I get the stack and then hand it to the person behind me. I take my pencil and start the quiz. I look at the first question and instantly go blank. I thought this was science class and not some foreign language class. These equations make no sense. I flip it over and start on the questions that I can actually answer.

Getting to know you quiz by Frank Storm

1. What are your parents names?

Jane and Bill Summers

2. Where were you born?

Minneapolis, Minnesota

3. What is your birthday

June, 26 1998

4. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

Go swimming!

5. What are you most afraid of?

Not that it's any of your business but I think I am most afraid of not achieving my dreams and being a failure to my family. And doctors. Hate the doctor!

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