Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

"If you say anything embarrassing I won't hesitate to take your ice cream and dump it on your head." I give both Amy and Kim stern looks. I keep my eyes on Kim a little longer because I know that if anyone is going to embarrass me it's going to be her.

"Who me? Why I would do no such thing." Kim says giving me a innocent look. Yeah right like I believe that.

"Well just know that if you do--" I'm cut off when Aaron sits down. Of course the only seat available is the one right next to me. And let me tell you Aaron makes sure that there is very little room between us.

"I'm not interrupting anything? Am I?" He gives a sly smile as if he knows that we were talking about him.

"Actually--" I start but am cut off by Kim.

"Nope, not at all. How are you? Anything exciting happen?"

"Yes because since the last time you saw him dinosaurs have taken over the world and SpongeBob is president." I say under my breath. I didn't mean for anyone to hear it but since Aaron is sitting so close to me he hears me. He starts to laugh but oh so cleverly covers it up with a cough. He send me a smile and a wink before turning to Kim to answer her question."

"Well dearest Kim my day has not been good at all since you lovely ladies left practice. And you sweet Miranda I have been going out of my mind worried." Really that was beyond fake sounding. I raise an eyebrow at him and glance over to see if Kim and Amy are picking up on this fakeness on well. Nope they are staring at him with big eyes and dreamy smiles. Oh great.

"Nope but seriously, I have been very worried about you since your parents came and picked you up. Are you feeling any better?" He takes my hands in his and I hear Kim's intake of breath in the background. The tingling feeling starts up again and I struggle to pull my hands out of Aarons tight grasp.

"For the millionth time I'm fine, and gosh can you please stop touching me." I say rubbing my hand trying to get some feeling back in to it. It seems the more time I spend with Aaron the worse the feeling gets. I don't know why put I suddenly have a huge head ace. I start rubbing my head with my hand trying to get the pounding to go away. No such luck, in fact it seems to be getting worse.

"Hey are you okay?" Amy asks with a concerned tone.

"Yeah I just have a really bad headache."

"Maybe it's from all the ice cream you ate." Aaron says.

"No I think it has something to do with that annoying face of yours."

"Oh come on you know you love this face." Aaron says wiggling his eyebrows back and forth.

"Only in your dreams buddy."

"You know it." He says winking at me.

"Gross, Gross. I don't even want to think about that."

"Well princess you know maybe not today but eventually you will fall for me and then--" I cut him off before he can finish what he was going to say.

"Ha like that would ever happen."

"Oh trust me sweet cheek's the time will come and I promise not to gloat when it does."

"Well Mister smarty pants I promise not to gloat when it doesn't come." By this point our faces are so close that I can feel his breath fanning across my face. I guess in the heat of the argument we just kept getting closer. For the briefest moment I see his eyes glance down at my lips and I hate to say that my eyes do the same. I don't know who or how but I feel myself leaning in closer and closer and--

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