The Beach

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Faith we're going to the beach Jack said I got out my favorite swimsuit ^the one above ^

And put it on and blow dried my hair then I got a towel and wrapped it around me Jack was ready so we got into the car we picked up Johnson and Sammy and we headed to the beach

*Skip long ass car ride*

So we finally got to the beach I guess some fans spotted us cuz they instantly came up to us Jack had this backpack and we tried to pass through all these crazy fans and so this fan I guess opened Jack's backpack and grabbed all of his clothes one of his favorite bro tanks was in there he finally noticed it was opened and there was nothing in there me Sammy and Johnson couldn't stop laughing Jack was so pissed that happened then we went into the water I felt Sammy's and Johnson's eyes on me Johnson came up to me and started splashing water on me I did the same then I fell in the water we were laughing so hard but then I noticed Sammy staring at us what is happening do Johnson and Sammy like me I wonder

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