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I still remember, that day..

A bright sunny morning.. far to my past..

A life with my family, both living parents, and one older brother..

' I miss that time.. '

The time when my mother have always make me my breakfast.. with her warm smile..

How my father and brother would all the time.. simply have either bread or cereal... Hurrying for time..

Or sometimes.. they eat rice, before going to their outside activities

Well as for me.. at the time i was in love.. for a lot of foreign movies..

Thus I begged her to make me a simple western dish

" Eommaa~ "

" Nae Taehyung-ah, are you hungry ? "

" Oh oh " I nodded

A child I was, sitting at the kitchen's counter, watching her back as she made me my breakfast

Wondering around the room, to dream about the sweet tasty feelings on my tongue

Even sometimes day dreaming about things..

Only to squeel happily when she's finally done..

" Here we go, pancake with honey, for my little boy "

" Eat a lot, okay ? "

" Yes ! "

She would then pat my head, sitting beside me.. as I eat my food

humming in peace as there's only the two of us in the kitchen

" Taehyung-ah.. do you like pancake.. that much ? " She asked

Answering, I tilted my head to face her, to see her warm smile

" Yes, I like it ! thiiiis much ! "

" Oho.. more than you like eomma and appa ? "

In response, i shaked my head side to side earnestly, when she asked that

" No ! No !.. pancake, I like it here " I pointed at my stomach

" But ! Eomma, appa.. and hyung !, I like it here ! In here ! "

Perhaps it was because I said the last sentence, while holding my chest.. that turned her expression..

How it actually touched my mother so much, her eyes had turned glossed

Like she was about to cry.. yet.. still managed to smile.. holding it in


" Taehyung-ah.. promise eomma.. okay ? "

" Hm ? "

" If.. one day.. eomma won't be there to cook pancake for you.. "

" Then you have to find someone... So that they can make you a pancake.. "


Confused to what she said.. i frowned

" Why won't eomma be able to cook ? Eomma is right here "

" *Chuckles yes... Eomma is here now.. "

" But.. im just saying.. incase.. "

" Incase.. what ? ... Eom.. eomma are you leaving me ? "

" No no.. honey, no.. I won't leave you, I never want to.. "

" But.. if.. eomma did leave.. and couldn't find Taehyungie.. "

" Then Taehyungie.. have to find someone.. to cook pancake.. and to take care.. of you.. "


" ... What.. about appa and hyung ? "

Still patting my head as I asked that, she kissed my forehead

" There will be time.. when you can't rely on any of them.. "

" They're family.. Taehyung-ah... "

" And family.. each have their own life.. "


" eomma what are you talking about ? Hyungie ! And appa ! They love me "

" And.. I.. don't have family.. other than them.. " I stated, looking down

But she simply hugged me

" I know.. but.. I want you to find someone you can trust.. "

" Someone you can care for.. more than the terms of family.. "

Her hand held my cheeks as she faced me with earnest gaze

" A pancake isn't the big deal for you Tae.. it's the person.. "

" Because a pancake you make on your own.. differs from one.. that others makes specially for you.. "

" Different.. ? "

" Yes.. why ? Because it has love.. that they directs for yourself.. might taste the same.. or not.. but all I know.. is that it would be a better kind.. "

" And my boy.. deserves the best.. "

Listening to her, while the clock's ticking away like a timer that stars of a fading dream I'm about to wake up from..

Focused my gaze on her once more..

" Taehyung-ah.. "

" There's more.. love.. for you to just give and take.. "

" .. so.. try to find someone who loves you even more than we do.. "

" Someone.. who would make pancake.. for you.. "

" A love.. that's only Yours "


Okay let's try and see how I can make all the Taehyung haters back in MINE to feel guilty here in this book 🤭

Update starting in June


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