3. Why ?

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" The Master might be home late "

Informing the lad upon Jungkook's time of arrival, despite how it's already midnight, made him sigh, before demanding her to leave

He's still awake.. waiting for someone

" Mr. Kim.. aren't you going to sleep ? "

Taehyung waved his hand towards them, signaling the remaining servants to leave his room

Their room.. actually..

' maybe.. its because they slept together all  the time, so he couldn't sleep since the master isn't here ' one of the girls thought, quietly leaving through the door before closing it back, trying her best not. To make a single noise...

While as for Taehyung.. he's taking glances to the clock, right up the wall, infront of him..

Staring at the current time that's passing by through the night

A man... Sitting on the single couch, inside his bedroom, waiting for a certain someone..

Along with silence.. filling his head.. and a ticking sound, surrounding him back..

But even then..

" I'll wait.. "

" I'll wait for him to come back.. "

No matter how long it'll take..

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" You ought to think outside of the box.. Taehyung-shi.. "

" So that you'll know.. what it is about.. regarding a difference of protecting someone.. "

" And keeping them around.. "

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' he's just playing with my head.. '

He always have..

" I shouldn't fall for it.. "

Yet again..

It kind of made sense.. what Park Jimin said..  its just something that Taehyung could somehow accept..

" That's why... I.. have to wait for him to come back "

Jeon Jungkook that is..

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" It's just weird.. thinking
About how easy it is to come here.. "

" So it made me wonders.. of the possibility that these people aren't here to keep someone from entering "

" It's most likely.. that they're forbidding people to leave.. than to enter.. "

" Don't you think so ? Taehyung-shi "

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' its been months.. since we lived together here.. also... since i'm willing to accept that he grew on me.. '

not as a family.. but as a lover..

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I love you.. Jeon Jungkook "

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' and im not lying about it... when i told you that.. '

' i left all my trust.. self.. and feelings for you... '


" you wouldnt break that trust.. right ? "

when he gazed back upon the time.. another hour had passed..

and then another one...

and another.. one..

until he felt something.. inside..

" ..tissue.. can someone get me a ti- "

' ah right.. i sent everyone away... '

it was new.. finding himself crying like that.. over some thing... that's not even so big..


" it just hurts.. " he chuckled

its not like the two of them never deceived one another.. when they had.. 

but.. not like this..

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" i meant everything when i said i wanted to start new things with you.. "

" that my story had just begun.. with you.. i even confidently told that.. to Jin Hyung "

he did..

" so just.. tell me.. what those guards are for ? exactly.. "

the man standing infront of him... had just came back, from a long tiring work, with a blank expression.. as if he knew something was wrong..

" to keep you safe.. hyung "


" keep me safe or to keep me to stay ?! be honest ! "

his voice were kept inside their room, a soundproof thick wall, or else.. it would have echoed out.. trough the halls

" i really hate it when someone tried to fool me Jeon Jungkook, it wouldnt matter much if its an enemy of mine, but when it was someone i care for, i LOVE FOR I LONGED FOR ! IT MATTERS ! LIKE ITS KILLING ME ! "

" for so long ! i wonder about the security ! i did, but i didnt question you, because i thought it was for my safety ! "

" ... "

" its just... sometimes i forgot.. that the event from that time... all those killing attempts weren't made for me.. but you.. "

" yet over these times, security tightens.. just.. for me ? managed by min yoongi ?! did you know how it felt ? i felt like an idiot ! that for so long ! you didnt trust me at all ! that you thought i would... i.. "


" that you'd leave me.. hyung.. " the man finally said, uttering his words, with a sad, yet frank expression.. that he didnt feel guilty after being caught

" i can bear it.. if you were to harm.. or even kill me.. but.. " he walks closer to the angry lad

" i'd wreck the world.. if you were to even leave me.. "


" i believe i told you once.. that my situation puts me in a situation where i cant trust no one.. and even often times.. its not trust that i put.. its just that i let it be.. and ignored the risk.. because deep down.. never in my life.. did i ever trust.. a single.. human being.. "

" not my grandfather... my mother.. min yoongi.. and even you "


" do you know hyung ? " he held the lad's waist

" i could easily believe someone.. but.. believe and trust... is different.. believe.. is temporary.. while trust.. is a whole new level i would never ever.. be able to reach.. "

" which was why i believed you.. when you faked your illness.. twice at that.. when in fact i just ignored whatever truth lies behind things.. because i want to try and believe someone else sometimes.. even if it risks me to death.. "

" ignored Min Yoongi's warning of sleeping together with you.. ignored any possibilities of you still hating.. me.. ignored the details of what your henchmen that Kim Seokjin is doing.. because i want to believe.. and have faith in you.. "


" but i will not ignore a risk.. that involves in losing you.. ever.. "

" trust.. is an empty word for me.. so please.. " he breathes out as he closed his face to the lad

one hand on his waist.. the other, caressing his cheeks..

" quit using it on me.. "


hahaha.. its been long isnt it ? i saw a comment that asked me to update, its not much, but here it is guys, how's everyone ?

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