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The first time Changbin met Felix, his lips were painted with the blood that dripped from the bite on Chan's neck.

It was just a few days after the full moon. Changbin, Chan and Jisung were having a movie night in their shared apartment that quickly led to Jisung having an idea for a song and Chan volunteering to get them coffee from the cafe next door. A usual night with the pack, as the two nights of wolf transformations usually managed to break through any writer's block they might have had. (Yes, going outside and touching grass was indeed a good way to defeat writer's block.)

When Chan was taking just a bit too long, Changbin had gone after him - maybe to help him carry whichever pastries or cake caught his fancy, maybe catch him in the convenience store next to the cafe and help him pick the flavour of instant noodles.

Chan tended to buy too many midnight snacks. It was a mom friend thing.

He smelled Chan the moment he stepped out of the door. He was just around the corner. After the full moon his senses were sharper, to the point of being awkward and uncomfortable. Most people did not smell every fart in a shopping mall, and most people could walk past public toilets without their eyes beginning to sting from the artificial air fresheners. However, when it came to the supernatural - Werewolves, Witches, Vampires, Faeries - heightened senses could mean life or death.

Changbin entered the small alley between their apartment building and the back of the cafe to see a blond man with his face hidden in Chan's neck.

And well, here's the thing: Changbin had always been just a little bit in love with Chan.

It was hard not to be, when you lived with him and worked with him and had three am conversations with him. When he hugged you in the mornings and made you breakfast. When Chan, with his head thrown back and his eyes closed, mouth open in a silent moan of bliss, was just that beautiful. Inside and out.

The problem was that that look was brought on his face by a Vampire.

"Get the fuck away from him," Changbin growled, pressing his hand to the Vampire's neck and taking one of his wrists with the other in an iron grip. He did not know how he crossed the space previously separating them.

The Vampire froze.

Changbin watched him extract his fangs from Chan's neck and licking over the wounds once, slowly. The Vampire stepped away, but Changbin didn't let him go.

"Binnie?" Chan mumbled, blinking his eyes open. "You okay?"

Changbin wanted to scream. He didn't. "Hyung, you're the one who was just bitten by a Vampire."

Chan's eyes widened and focused on the Vampire. "Oh. Felix. Hi." He smiled at the Vampire, a big and honest Chan Smile.

The Vampire - Felix smiled back, though much more reserved. "Thank you for letting me have your blood, Chan-hyung. Your friend needs you to be present now, can you do that?"

"I - Binnie," Chan shook his head a little, and when he looked up, his eyes had cleared. Changbin hadn't noticed he had been unfocused, "why are you holding Felix like that?"

Changbin blinked, looking between Chan and Felix. Chan seemed curious, like he still wasn't quite back from wherever he'd been. Maybe it was the blood loss. Felix smiled in a nonthreatening way, and made no move to get out of Changbin's grip. Sure, Changbin was strong, but Felix was a Vampire, he would be able to break free and depending on his fighting skills and age, could be able to easily defeat both Changbin and Chan.

"You can let him go," Chan continued when Changbin didn't answer, "I offered him my blood of my own free will."

Changbin slowly stepped back from Felix. This changed things, obviously. He spotted blood clinging to Felix's lips and had to rip his eyes away. Helpless, Changbin blushed. "Uh, sorry for interrupting your... moment?"

Kiss of a Vampire | BinchanlixWhere stories live. Discover now