- Mexico

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The place was beautiful just the way I remember it

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The place was beautiful just the way I remember it. It has been 5 years since I don't came here.
My sister's wedding was in 1 more week.
Luke and I decided to go and take a walk in the malecón until Alex rest a little bit.

-"This place is beautiful"-

-"I know, I miss it"-

-"Do you want to get an ice cream?"-

-"Yes, sure"-

We where walking until we enter to the ice cream store.

-"Hi, Good night. Can you give me 2 of vanilla? Please"-

I said.

-"Can i get one of chocolate instead?"-

Luke said.

-"Oh, can I get one of vanilla and one of chocolate, please"-

-"Ok, so one of vanilla for the lady and one of chocolate for the gentleman"-

The lady said.

-"I'm sorry what?"-

Wait...he could see Luke.

-"Yes umm. One of chocolate and one of vanilla, right?"-

-"Ummm.. yes"-

When we get the ice cream we come back to the beach.

-"Do you hear what that lady said? He could see you"-

-"Yeah. That was crazy"-

-"Hi sir. Can you ride my shoes?"-

A little girl said to Luke.

-"Umm. Yes of course"-

Luke tide the shoes of the girl and the girl leave.

-"People Can see you!!!"-


We both hug.

ximenaparramx taking and ice cream with Luke 🧡 pd: we figured out so much things today

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ximenaparramx taking and ice cream with Luke 🧡 pd: we figured out so much things today.

juliemolinaa i wish I was with you guys
ximenaparramx i wish you were here too

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