We Already Are

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They tell women to be Strong. Smart. Fierce.

They try telling us to be more than what we already are. That we aren't already Strong. Smart. Fierce. And that we could be so much more if we tried.

But they don't see. They don't see that we already are much, much more than any of them could have dreamed. We show them every single day, over and over. But they still don't see. Because they only see in the big and loud and attention-seeking. We see in the small and unnoticed and self-effacing. And we see what we already are.

We already show strong smiles, fighting against the doubts and fears that seep in on the hard days. We already bring life into the world. We already hold our heads high even when some try to make them fall. We already show the compassion to stand by a stranger's side when we recognize someone who might need a little help. We already laugh and joke our way through the day, only to save up enough energy to do the next thing tomorrow. We already protect and stand up for the undefended. We already see doors closed for the sake of loved ones, and see new ones open down the road. We already struggle to provide for our families, sometimes by ourselves. We already do our best to be reliant, supportive mothers. We already accept those who don't expect to be accepted. We already fight for our equality. We already reach our hands out to lift others up and into the light. We already speak up for others who can't speak up for themselves, even though we might be too afraid to speak up for ourselves. We already feel the political pressure to make a stand and support those relying on us. We already help others when we have rarely been helped ourselves.

All this is made up of one woman reaching out to another woman, and another, and another. We connect ourselves through our small acts of kindness and our resilient loyalty. We show them that we already are all that they ask of us. But they ignore it all, asking for More. Bigger. Better.

But that has to stop. We persevere everyday for the love we wish on others. We fight our battles small and compassionate, caring and true. We do more than the big flashy show they want. We do the little things that can put a smile on someone's face. We reach out and bring people together.

Because we are Strong. Smart. Fierce. 

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