Chapter One

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Before we start I just wanna say their age difference is like two years apart rather than the actual seven. Also, Colson failed a grade so he's in the same grade as Dom.

X-Long before depression was a thing-X

"Dom! Look! It's a baby frog!" Colson yelled pointing into the water. I gasp and jump for it but it hopped away.


"It's ok we'll get 'em next time!" He patted my back. I smiled and stood up. I'm finally six today! That's something to be happy about.

"Yeah!" He smiled his toothy grin, with a few teeth missing, and wraps his arm around my neck.

I knew him ever since I was born. It's true! He's like my big brother. He gives me piggyback rides and when I'm sad he hugs me.


Recently, I've been wearing more girly clothes. I've never worn them out in public in fear of being harassed or judged. I do, however, wear makeup and I dye my hair. Not heavy drag makeup but like a little bit of eyeliner. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Why the fuck would a guy want to wear woman's clothes?" And well, frankly I don't know what to tell you. I just like it, I guess. It looks cool and feels nice.

Today was the first day of 12th grade. Thank fuck it's the last first day, ever. Yeah, I don't plan on going to college. tooo bad, I won't be able to see Colson anymore. He's out of school. I do my daily routine of hair, clothes, makeup, food, and I'm out of this bitch. I get some toast and my coffee mug and run out the door. The bus picks me up and I ride to school. My family doesn't have enough money for a car for me. I hope to change that one day.

My bus stops and I hop off and walk into the school. I go to my locker and as I'm putting my books away someone slams the door shut.

"Colson! Oh my fucking god! I thought you were outta this dump?" I leaned my back against the locker staring up at him. He put his arm above my head.

"Failed. Whatever, just one more year to see yo-"

"Dom!" I turn to see Adam walking this way. Don't get me wrong I like Adam just... Not like that. But he does. He flirts with me way too much and sometimes I get uncomfortable.

"Lemme see your schedule, Colson." He pulls it out and hands it to me. I pull mine out and compare the two. "Bro we have the same schedule. That's crazy!"

"Really?" I nod. "Bet."

Adam looks over my shoulder and studies mine. He huffs and crosses his arms.

"I don't have any classes with you. That fuckin' sucks."

Suddenly the bell rings and I and Colson run off to our first class. Physics. Gross. We walk in and sit down next to each other.

"I don't like that Adam kid," Colson said.

"Yeah, he's... Weird."

The second bell rings and Ms. Parker walks in and addressed the class in which we respond with a hushed silence. She explained that we would be splitting up into pairs and do something "fun and simple". Bull fucking shit. I was so confused and sure as hell not having fun. The only fun I had was giving up and just talking with Colson, who was my partner.

By the time lunch rolled around I was so tired I could barely see straight. Well... Anyways. Pizza was for lunch. Yum. We sat at our table. We didn't have friends so we sat alone. Matthew graduated along with all of Colson's other friends. Ha, I have him all to myself. That sounds creepy. Shut up. We eat laughing the whole time.

"Oh my god, look look." He made a stupid face and I bust out laughing. "That's what he looks like! The fucking fish!"

"The fish!!" I cry.

"Alright you two start cleaning up," a teacher said.

He pokes my rib as we throw out trash away and I can't help the laughter that comes out. I poke him back and we have a poking contest. I win when he laughs so hard he falls on the floor.

"Holy fuck dude are you ok!?"

"I can't--" he laughs.

It takes us a while but eventually we calm down enough to go to our next class. Theater. This should be fun. We sit down and the bell rings, teacher talks, blah blah blah. Luckily this is the last class of the day.

"Hey, I got a new record. You wanna come over and listen to it with me. We can get high," Colson said.

"Bet. Can I drive?"

"Fine by me."

I grin and get in the car. I drove to his house and we walk inside and to his room. His parents are either never home or don't give enough of a shit to care what he's doing. I collapse on his bed and he drapes himself over me after setting up the record player. This is what we do. Listen to music, lay on each other, get high. It's all fun and games.

I patted his lower back telling him I wanted him off in which he lays his head on my lap. I sigh and figure this is good enough. He reaches into his side table and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and some weed. I take a long drag of weed and almost instantly feel good. Cole repeats my motions as I sit up.

He eyes me curiously. I flop back down and stare at him. His eyes are so pretty. I stare into them while we both take another drag and burst into laughter. I sigh and settle at staring at the ceiling.

Drag and Butch (Domson)Where stories live. Discover now