the intruder

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Ranpo had a strange way of expressing affection. Poe would come home from work sometimes to find him just sitting in his house like he owned it. He would have broken into the pantry, stolen all the food and then act like he had done nothing wrong. They had been dating for a while now, and he did tell him that he was welcome anytime, but this was starting to get out of hand. Poe wasn't going to tell him to leave though, he did enjoy the other's company. He was working on writing a mystery novel at the moment and having Ranpo around to give him advice was perfect, since he was so smart in that department. Yet he wasn't smart enough to throw away his food wrappers, and leave them out for Karl to take. He usually took Karl to work with him, but had decided to leave him at home today. He had been really tired lately, and he figured that even Karl could use some time to himself.

Poe was starting to pull into his driveway when he recognized Ranpo's car pulled up already. Poe had a very nice house, Fitzgerald always gave his workers a really good amount of pay, he didn't exactly blame Ranpo for wanting to come over all the time. But not even asking permission was starting to concern him. He expected to walk in, and find Ranpo sprawled out on the couch, watching TV with food absolutely everywhere. He wondered how Ranpo lived like that, his apartment was always a mess. Poe made sure his house was always clean, mostly for Karl's sake, because if his environment caused him to get sick, Poe just wouldn't know what to do with himself. 

He sighed and got out of his car, walking up to the front door and putting the key in. Lord, he just hoped the place was in decent condition. To his surprise, it looked exactly the way he left it. No bags of chips or candy wrappers anywhere, it was spotless. Usually, Karl would greet him at the door, but he wasn't around. Neither was Ranpo.

"Ranpo?" he called, receiving no answer. "Karl?" Still nothing. He checked in the living room, kitchen, knocked on all the bathroom doors, but there was nothing. The only place left to go was upstairs, but he couldn't figure out why Ranpo would be up there. Maybe he was looking for Karl too, since he wasn't around either.

"Hello?" he asked one more time, getting the same response as before. He sighed and looked in the guest room just for another load of nothing. His bedroom was the only room left in the house, so he opened the door, and there they were. Ranpo was passed out on his bed, clearly exhausted, Karl sleeping underneath his arm peacefully.

"Oh..." he said out loud. He didn't want to disturb them, but at the same time, this was really out of nowhere. Ranpo had never done this before, he would usually be downstairs, and he couldn't even come close to finding the reason why he would be up here. But still, he did look rather cute.

Ranpo didn't budge, but Karl started to blink awake, and yawned before slithering out of Ranpo's grasp and pattering over to his rightful owner. "Hello there. Were you keeping him company?" Poe asked the raccoon, getting a little squeak out of him. He smiled, petting the top of his head softly, still staring at the sleeping figure who was completely violating his privacy. But he didn't care. He couldn't stay mad at Ranpo, ever. They were technically supposed to be rivals, or that's how it was in the beginning. The agency and the guild had both made a contract so that they could be together, since they both wanted more in their relationship aside from regular visits to each other's offices. There would be issues with their dating life, but they both decided to deal with them, as long as they had each other's backs. The guild had been getting along decently with the agency lately, since they had other problems to be worrying about and dragging on conflict felt pointless now. So they had both been peaceful for the majority of the time.

As much as he didn't want to bother Ranpo, he couldn't just let him stay like that, in his full work clothes in such a spread out position. He poked the side of his arm, getting a small stir from him. He jumped back, a little nervous. "Ranpo." he whispered. Ranpo muttered something under his breath and opened his eyes in slits.

He smiled as soon as he recognized who it was. "Hey there, Ed. Sorry for barging in, I had a long day and kinda crashed. Karl's really soft, I think he likes me here, so I cuddled him for a while. Hope I didn't strangle the poor guy." 

Karl turned back to Ranpo and put both of his front paws on the side of his face, which was his way of telling him to get up. Ranpo brushed him away and sat up normally. Poe sighed and watched Karl jump off the bed and stand at his side.

"Any reason why you came up here?" he asked, genuinely curious. Ranpo smirked at him. "Your bed's comfy. And it smells like you."

Poe stuttered on words he couldn't make out. He and Ranpo had shared a bed before, but he had never said anything like that. "A-ah. I see."

Ranpo giggled a little and stood up to swing his arms around Poe's shoulders. "You're so cute when you're nervous." he gave him a little peck on the cheek before leaving the room as if nothing happened.

"You got any food downstairs?"

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