2.) Carlos de Vil

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Nessarose Poppy Thorpp was the daughter of the infamous Wicked Witch of the West. Her namesake was that of her aunt, the Wicked Witch of the East and her middle name is the same deadly flower that nearly ended the tale of Dorothy and her friends.

Nessarose was considered evil from birth, and she would have been cast onto the Isle were it not for Glinda taking her in as a baby.

Due to Glinda's close friendship with her old classmate FG, her constantly leaving to take care of OZ (which happens a lot), Nessa spent most of her time surrounded by the royal family and staff, but she always felt alone.

Nessa isn't dumb. She knows that people hate that a child of a villain walks among them. Jane fainted when she first saw her, all the palace staff whisper unkind thoughts whenever she walks by, and Audrey doesn't hesitate to remind her everyday of how ugly she is behind Ben's back.

She tries to tell Glinda, but she never can muster the courage to do so. Her reply is always the same "I know, my darling but think of all the other children who don't have the privilege to live the life you have. You are beautiful full no matter what people say."

But to Nessa, what good is having the privilege of living in Auradon if you can't even escape your own skin.

Ben is a good friend to her. But even then, her shyness holds her back. She's always seen walking Dude. Because If there one thing that makes Nessa's life more bearable, it's the animals. 

Nessa LOVES all animal, her bond with them could rival Snow-White, its almost as if they can understand each other, to her she can be herself around animals, they don't judge her for who her mother is, or her namesake or by the colour of her skin, to Nessa, the animals are more accepting than any human.

When the VKs are due to arrive, Ben asks if she'll join him in welcoming them to Auradon, and although she agrees, the thought terrifies her!

What if they hate her? What if they bully her? what if they make her life a living hell?! After all, she is the VK that got away. She escaped the Isle's harsh life thanks to Glinda, and now she lives amongst the very royalty that put them there. Why wouldn't they hate her? she was so scared that all it took was one flirtatious comment from Jay to make her run for the hills back to her animal friends.

After that, she was determined to stay away from every. Single. one of them, and it worked!...until Dude decided to go and chase after one of the VK's. And what she sees makes her nearly burst out laughing.

Carlos de Vil, up a tree, cowering before Dude (Who was loving the superiority), it was then Ben had the bright idea to get Nessa to help Carlos overcome his fear of dogs, at first Nessa was against it I mean, this was what she was trying to avoid this whole time.

But when she looked into Carlos's eyes she realised it wasn't fair, she wanted everyone to experience the happiness that she felt with animals, but because of who his mother was, he never got the chance, so she swallowed her fear and agreed.

The more time they spent together, the more they realise that neither of them fit into where they came from. He's one of the first people, besides Ben, who hasn't outright hated her, and with his help, maybe they can help each other overcome their fears.

Nessa always felt she was too ugly for this world and Carlos too soft for his...perhaps together they can learn to love themselves while also falling in love along the way.

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