Chapter 3

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"(Y/n) talk to me what happen",Steve said scared for his friend

"Steve please go away I'm not in the mood to talk",y/n said not want to look at him

"Fine then I will just set here until you feel like talking"Steve said slow walking towards the bed

Y/n stayed silent for I couple of minutes and then said,"Steve how did you move on so fast you were his best friend and you act like nothing happen" y/n said looking at Steve wait for him to answer

"(Y/n)...why do you think I moved on"

"Because you aren't even sad that he died"

"(Y/n) I am sad I will always be sad that bucky is gone but someone has to be strong and take care of you"

"Why didn't you go look for him what if he didn't die and was just laying there wait for you come looking for him"

"Because the chances of him surviving that fall is close to zero-" but before Steve could say anything else y/n said
"But not zero... what if he did and he died thinking we didn't care to look for him"

"(Y/n) The army didn't let me.. I'm sorry I didn't think you would be this upset "

"Well think again"


" can you go I need sometime to think"


-1week later-

You start to come out of your room a little more but still didn't want to leave the house or go back to work but you knew if you went but to the army with Steve you wouldn't be thinking about Bucky.

That night you had the nightmare again and decided that you were going to go back to work.

"Steve",y/n was wondering around trying to find him.

"Yeah",Steve was getting ready to leave to go back to the army base for awhile.

Y/n walk up to him with a bag of cloths and her gear.

"What are you doing",steve was looking at her up and down.

" I'm going with you I need to do something good with my life bucky would want that, figure why not go back to the army".

"No (y/n) I'm about to go on a very dangerous mission and I don't want you to get hurt",Steve was almost done packing up his stuff.

"I wasn't asking If I could I was wondering if you could give me a lift but I am going wether you like it or not",y/n said, determined look on her face.

"Fine but if you get hurt once you going straight but home",Steve had a serious voice and not wanting to argue you agreed

You and Steve were arriving at the army base and your heart started to beat a little faster because you hadn't been here for awhile everyone was looking at you not know that you were going to come back.

"Welcome back (y/n)", all the soldiers shouted.

You see Peggy working in one of the tent and went over to see her,
"Oh my (y/n) why didn't Steve tell me you were coming back",Peggy exclaimed having a big smile on her face.

"Because Steve just found out I was a last minute decision and Steve tried to tell me no anyway", y/n was smiling back at Peggy.

"What are you to doing",Steve came in at the sound of his name.

"Why didn't you want (y/n) to come back", asked Peggy, as she stared at Steve.

"Good grief are you going to tell eveyone",Steve looked at you,"I was just worried that you would get hurt".

"I will be fine Steve I'd been in more pain if I had to stay in that home for a month wondering if your alright",y/n stared at the ground.

"(Y/n) nice to see you again its been a while",Colonel Phillips said.

"Colonel",y/n said standing up straight again.

"Ready for your new assignment",Phillips began to walk towards you both.

"Yes sir"you looked at Steve.

"Good you and Steve meet me at 5:00am tomorrow morning for the details",he said walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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