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Two weeks later..

" hi is this londyn serai?" A lady spoke through my phone .

" yes this is .." . Jay looked at me in confusion as deuce handed him his shoes .

Jayson's brother was here so they could go to st.Louis together meaning jay was leaving for a while :

" this is the emergency care of Los Angeles, your father has been in a bad car accident and you were the only person left on his emergency call list " she spoke and I just froze .

" is it okay if you could come down here ?" She asked .

" y-yes . I have to catch a flight but I will be there " I hung up and covered my mouth .

" you okay ? What's wrong ?" Jay stood up .

I shook my head and broke down crying . He came up and hugged me tight " deuce let's go to the car " jay brother told him .

He ran over to me and hugged my leg like he knew what was going on , but it warmed my heart .

They went out to the car and jay lifted my head up " what happened?" .

" my dad w-was in a car accident " I sniffed . " I gotta go " I grabbed my keys and turned around but he stopped me " I'm going with you " .

" your going to st.Louis, you can't come " I wiped under my nose .

" so ? I'm coming with you and I'll go to st.Louis tomorrow or something " he shrugged and grabbed his stuff .

" come on !" He grabbed my hand and locked all the doors as we went outside.

I went in his car and he went over to his brothers car I guess to tell him the plan .

A couple minutes later he got in and sped off .


Jaysons POV ..

" he's gonna be okay baby " I rubbed Londyns back .

Ever since we got on the jet she's been zoned out but I get it . She's been through so much , I wish I could just take her pain away .

She laid her head on my lap and I stroked her curly hair behind her ear .

If she loses her dad then I know she won't ever be the same person , I could only imagine losing my brother, mom and dad .

It broke my heart though if I'm being honest , seeing her cry or even hurt . She lifted herself up and looked at me " what if he doesn't make it ?".

" he's gonna make it Lon ,He's strong ! We just gotta pray okay?" I held her hand .

" I love you" her lips trembled and I felt this weird ass feeling in my stomach .

" I love you too baby , come here" she laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her tight, I think what she really needed was a hug .

  We haven't even been dating for two month but did I really love her ? Hell yeah I did , ever since I first laid eyes on her two years ago .


  Londyn POV

    " I'm here for my father , Marcus serai .what room is he in ? " I asked quickly with jayson holding my hand .

  " 217 , he just got out of surgery " the lady nodded and we jogged to the elevator and watched it close as we got in .

  As we made it to the third floor jayson held my hand a littler tighter and we walked out and to my dads room .

  There he laid looking so lifeless , bringing me memories of my mother and brother .

  As I walked up to him slowly I broke down just as I saw cuts around his head and the rest of his shown body .

   " daddy ? Can you hear me ?" I cried and heard jay sniff .

  I gently held his hand just hoping he could feel it . " wake up ..please ?" I whispered and felt him squeeze my hand .

  I looked over at jayson " he moved his hand !" . He came closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  " l-Lon.." he spoke quietly.

" I'm here papito " I sniffed . " I-...I need you-" he took a breathe .

  " to take care of the gym " he looked at me making me cry even more .

  I shook my head " no..that's your plac-"

    " londyn.." he cut me off . " the k-keys are at my house". He said lowly .

  His eyes struggled to stay open but he was trying so hard .. that's the same exact position Paris had died in , with me holding his hand and feeling him take his last breath .

  " dad. , you do not get to die on me !"
His eyes closed slowly but he was still breathing " ta-take care of her jay-"

  I instantly went out the room and called any nurse to come in here . A bunch of them came rushing in and seen what was going on .

  " is he ..dying ?" I asked any one of them and they re looked at his charts .

  " he has a brain injury ...he's not dying " one of the ladies told me and it felt like a hundred pounds got lifted off my shoulders and jayson hugged me .

  " he's going into a coma , we don't know how long he's going to be in it right now , but he's in the second stage almost third " she spoke.

  " let's go get you some water and some air " jay rubbed my shoulders and as much as I didn't wanna step foot out of the room , I know I needed to .

  I nodded and we went outside the room and I sat down as he got me a cold water from the vending machine and came to sit down with me .

  I drunk some water quickly and looked at him " you gotta take care of me now .."

  He looked over at me and kissed my head " I already planned on that " he held onto my hand .

  I took a deep breath and tried to just calm myself down .

  " this is the same hospital Paris passed away in ..on the second floor in room...103 . I was holding his hand and felt him take his last breath " I told jay and his eyes went wide and I just nodded.

  " I'm sorry you had to experience that "he rubbed my back .

  " you should go be with deuce, he probably misses you" I wiped all my tears .

   " deuce is fine ,they're most likely still on the plane ."

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