Chapter 2

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Authors not: hey guys! Ok so for this chapter it's gonna be a little confusing cause I'm bringing the past in here but please stick with me and every thing will clear soon! Hope u enjoy!

(Zayn and Perry's trxting line. 7:30 pm. Zayn at Liam's perry at home)

Zayn: hey babe! Sorry I'm not home I'm at Liam's ill be home later.

Perry: (jealous, and feeling frisky but annoyed at the same time) Oh! ok well um I guess that you don't wanna come home and lay with me;)

Zayn: (stuck  between going or staying) Idk babe...I really wanna hang out with Liam and I kinda wanna have some guy time:)

Perry: (angry trying not to show it) well fine then guess ill go fine some one els>:(! Just kidding love you babe!;) (very annoyed but very sexually aroused)

Zayn: Not tonight babe! sorry love u xo


After a while zayn went home and found perry in bed sleeping. so he crawled into bed quietly and slowly started falling asleep!



I'm sitting out in the front of my house as I listen to my parents fight with each other! I mean its nothing un normal....and I'm kinda happy because when there fighting they let me do what ever I want! just last week my mom let me go to my friends party and so of course every ones drinking! And so I go into the living room to find a bunch of people from school sitting on the carpet with a bunch of cups in there hands playing never have I ever.... so I decide to play I guess people didnt  notice I was there till a girl named Jen sayed "never have I ever kissed someone as the same sex as me!" so I see a few people drink out of there cup meaning that they have and so I being cool and all take a drink as secretive as possible till I hear someone yell! "Zayn you've kissed a guy before!" Anf that's when it all startedy hole questioning my sexuality thing and to be honest I do kinda like this guy well he's not really just a guy but an old friend of mine....Liam payn and I think he likes me too! every one in the school knows that he's gay and some people think that him and his friend Nial Horan are dating but I doubt it... Well I'm hope ing not!


(Back to the present Louis and Harry's house 11:45 pm)

Louis Pov. 

Louis walks in the door of his house. notices Harry playing the wii like always!
"hey babe!" Says Harry " how was your day?"

Fine thanks... guess who I saw today the the store?

"Idk who?"

Zayn Malik! and we even talked for like five minutes. idk he seemed a little off but it's probably nothing so ....what do u say we go cuddle in bed watch movie and do some stuff?!(winks At Harry who obviously didn't even notice cause he's too cought up in his game)

Harry: w-what?

Louis: do u wanna go have sex?

Harry: yeah but let me Finnish my game....

Authors note: that's all folks! Um I hope u liked it sorry I'm only updating when I have time hopefully that's more N for those who tea this chapter IM WRITING A NEW BOOK! Ill let u k ow when it's published! Hope u enjoyed!!

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