Tables Turned

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Time had passed since Chan and Felix parted ways. You see, Chan stayed in the dark for a long period of time, he felt hopeless and unloved. But not anymore, he's doing better now actually. He found somebody new, his name was Lee Minho. Chan would go as far as saying he was sent from heaven to him. They met while Chan was at a party, people were having fun and dancing around him but he wasn't having fun at all, and Minho must've noticed it, looking at Chan from far away. For some reason, the black haired boy stood out for him, he just looked so sad and lifeless while people laughed and danced circles around him. Truth is, Minho felt the exact same way. He was sitting at the bar alone, feeling empty inside after days of pure stress. He felt like the world was on his shoulders and it bothered him, he went out to have fun and forget about everything, however, it seemed like it wasn't working for him just yet. That was, until he spotted Chan. Minho just stared at him from afar for a while before building up the courage to go up to him and start a conversation. Luckily, after a while, he did. "Hello stranger, you look so lonely despite the hundreds of people that are surrounding you right now. But look, i'm not here to judge, i came up to you because i feel the same way. Thought we could be great company for each other" Chan was taken aback by the sudden interaction, but at the same time, he felt like he had known Minho for so long. In another life maybe. Chan smiled before stretching his hand out for Minho to shake "May i know your name, friendly stranger?" Minho gave him a warm smile that made Chan feel something he hadn't felt in a while, at the time, he couldn't even name what it was, but he knew it was a good feeling. "I'm Minho, Lee Minho. May i know your name, beautiful stranger?" He said before finally taking a seat next to him. Chan felt comfortable, weirdly enough. He's always been skeptical about new people, but there was something about the boy that made Chan trust him instantly. "I'm Chan, Bang Chan" he says. "Beautiful name to a beautiful person" Minho replies, before continuing "What brings you here, and why do you look so down? This might sound really creepy, but i've been watching you for a while." Minho then laughed, a laugh that made Chan feel like his heart was melting away. "Rough couple of months, i'd say." Chan replied thinking back to the night Felix left him. "Oh i understand, it's been hard for me as well," Minho let out a sigh "Do you want to talk about it maybe? It'll help, i promise" And Chan did. He told Minho everything, he cried on his shoulder and let out every single emotion he had been bottling for a while.

After that night, Minho and Chan became inseparable, you'd see them together at any moment. They'd always say they were just friends, and maybe they were at the time, but it was obvious for everyone around that the two were in love, not ready to admit it just yet, but in love. Friends of Chan were relieved that he was finally becoming himself again. Friends of Minho were happy to see the boy look so happy and carefree. The romance between the two was inevitable, naturally, everybody knew it was gonna happen at some point. And it did happen. Minho confessed first, and Chan just confirmed his own feelings to him. He hasn't felt the way he does when he's with Minho for a very long time. Finally, they both could say they were happy once again. It was a beautiful sight to witness, two young people, who were both broken by someone before, get back up and complete each other, like a puzzle piece.

Felix, on the other hand, was a wreck. his relationship did not go well, they didn't understand Felix quite like Chan did. Him and his partner fought all the time, over the smallest things, they didn't seem to agree on anything, and it was driving Felix over the edge. Felix's partner was just as stressed, actually, they never really felt like Felix was able to let go of Chan. They knew he thought about him sometimes, even though he denied it feverishly every time. It would be believable if they were a fool and didn't know Felix at all. But they weren't a fool, and they knew Felix all too well. They both decided they didn't work together and parted ways after a nasty fight. Once again, Felix lost a lover, but he wouldn't say that he was actually sad. He cared for them, but watching them leave and not feeling half as sad as when he left Chan, he started to question if he even loved them, or if it was just the adrenaline of cheating that had gotten into him when he did do it. He was so sure he wanted them, but when he finally had them, with no need to hide anything, he didn't feel like it was right.

And that's how he got into this situation, of pure guilt, sadness. He was thinking about Chan, wondering if that was what he felt like after he left him. He wondered if Chan was doing okay now. But most importantly, he wondered if Chan would take him back. Because he started to feel like he needed Chan to feel like himself again. He felt lost, like he was missing half of himself. Strange feeling, he'd describe it as. Chan's words "i'd let you break me into a million pieces and still come back to you in the end" played and replayed and his mind all day. Would he? If Felix went there right now and said "I want you back" Would he actually come back to him? He'd like that. But he did remember how he told him to move on, to be happy. And though he was sincere with those words at the time, Felix's selfish side took over now. He wanted Chan to be miserable, like he was, to be missing him, like he was. Felix was thinking too much. He had so many questions and doubts. He started to believe he never fell out of love, really, and that it was just a momentary thing. The thrill that cheating on Chan with his now ex lover gave him. He felt awful. He felt like he was helpless. He stared at his phone with Chan's number on the screen a hundred times for the past month or so. But he never had the guts to call him at all. He knew he had to see him, somehow. At least try, if he had the slightest chance to get him back on his arms. One day, he gathered all the courage he could find within himself and drove to Chan's apartment, such a familiar thing, if he really thought about it. The streets, the houses, the stores. It was all so familiar, it made him smile a little.
On his way there, he bought flowers, as an apology, though he knew simple roses wouldn't make up for what he's done to Chan. Entering the oh so familiar building, he got into the elevator and waited. When he was finally at Chan's door. He took deep breaths and hesitated a couple times before finally knocking. A strange face he had never seen before opened the door for him. "Who are you?" Felix said, surprise written all over his face. "Who are YOU?" the black haired boy replied. "My name's Felix, is Bang Chan still living here?" The man quietly gasped and then said "oh so you are The Felix, huh? Yes, Bang Chan still lives here." "How'd you know who i am? and you haven't answered my question. Who are you?" Felix said, a bit annoyed. "Minho babe, who's at the door?" a familiar voice in the distance said before the boy could reply. Then, Bang Chan appeared in front of Felix, he looked healthy, he looked happy. But then he realized something. "Babe"? Was this Chan's new boyfriend? Felix's heart dropped at the thought of Chan with somebody else. It affected him more than he'd ever admit.
Chan, who came up to Minho smiling, dropped his smile as he saw Felix there. "Oh, Felix. What a surprise." He sounded cold, bored. Felix quivered a bit. "Y-yeah. I thought i'd check on you. We haven't spoken or see each other in months and-" "There's a reason why we haven't, Felix" Chan cut Felix right off. Something about hearing Bang Chan call him Felix felt so wrong to him. But he knew he deserved it. "Listen, I know there's a reason, and i'm sorry, i regret everything. I've done a lot of thinking these past few weeks and i realized that i do love you. I still do and i always have I-" It was now Minho's turn to cut him off "Felix, you cheated on Chan like he didn't matter. You made him feel like he wasn't worth loving, and that's completely fucked up. He's with me now, we're happy. He doesn't want you back" At that moment, Felix thought anyone could hear his heart breaking. He wanted to cry and beg on his knees for Chan back. But he knew he couldn't do that. All he did was look back to Chan, to get some sort of response, all Chan did was kiss Minho's cheek and nod at Felix, letting him know Minho wasn't lying. And with that, Felix knew all his chances were shattered, that he was Chan's past while Chan was still his future. It felt terrible. He felt humiliated, but he knew he brought it to himself, and that it wasn't Chan's or Minho's fault, even though he wished he could blame them somehow. Felix took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry for bothering. I'm sorry for doing what a did to you too Chan. I love you and now i know i always will. I wish you could forgive me" Chan smiled, a small smile but it still made Felix's heart swell. "I forgave you long ago, Felix. But i'll never forget what you did. And i'll never get back together with you. You bruised my trust on you, badly. And you only have yourself to blame. I know you know that. And as Minho said, we're a couple, we're happy. I moved on and i want to stay this way. I'm actually happy now. I thought you had moved on as well, considering what you did. You will eventually, i hope. I think you need to go now" Felix gave him a sad smile and replied a quiet "You're right" Chan then repeated the words he had told him the day he left "i know you'll find love again. you're better than you think you are. i wish you the best always" Felix was broken, he mumbled goodbye before hearing the door close in front of him. That's when he broke down and started crying again. And there he was again, leaving the apartment he once called home, except this time he was the one left crying and heartbroken.

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