Perfect Little Family

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For BellaHellgirl12! I really hope you enjoy!


Mona Lisa laid in bed, her hand tenderly caressing her baby bump. She was 5 months pregnant. Raph was beside her beaming proudly as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Can you believe it, Rapheal? Soon we'll be parents." Mona smiled, revealing a row of teeth. Raph smiled brightly and kissed her lovingly. Mona nuzzled him with a small smile.

"I can't wait Mona, I'm sure they'll be great!" He gushed with admiration. "I can't wait to be a father..." He looked at her lovingly as Mona grinned.

"You will be a wonderful father, Rapheal." She stroked his head lovingly, wrapping her fingers around his mask tails. "And you'll be a great mother." Raph replied with a blush.

The two had been a couple for a few years now and had always wanted a baby. How, their wish was coming true! They couldn't possibly be happier, life was pure bliss.

The first few months were a little rough. Mona got terrible morning sickness, possibly due to her being a mutant. She suffered a harsher onset of symptoms. But, it was worth it.


Mona knelt over the toilet, feeling waves of nausea wash over her. She let out a groan. Raph heard her android came in, rubbing her back soothingly as she threw up. It was three in the morning, but that didn't matter.

"Ugh...I despise morning sickness, Rapheal..." Mona said weakly as Raph continued rubbing her back. "I know babe, but it'll be worth it when this little fella arrives..." He comforted.

Mona leaned against him. She was three months pregnant. She had a slightly visible bump, but nothing major yet. Raph wrapped his arms around her. Morning sickness was rough for the both of them

Flashback over...

A few months later, Mona Lisa was 7 months pregnant. She was bigger now and had two months left. The morning sickness wasn't as bad...

But the cravings were...

Raph walked into the lair, his Tues meeting a horrifying sight. Mona was sitting on the couch eating some cockroaches that she'd found. She was dipping them in vinegar as well.

Raph gagged, covering his mouth. "M-Mona?" He absolutely despised roaches. In fact, he had a phobia of him. And now, his girlfriend was eating them! Raph almost puked.

Mona looked up at him, eating the wiggling bug with a satisfying crunch as she rested her hand on her bump. "Hello, Rapheal." She smiled, showing legs stuck in her teeth. Raph ran to the bathroom, losing his lunch.

Mona chuckled in spite of the situation as Raph returned a moment later. "You're craving cockroaches?!" He yelped in shock, fear and disgust. Mona burst out laughing right away.

"No, I just wanted too how you'd react!" She smirked as Raph laughed a little. "Good!" Mona leaned over to kiss him. "First brush all the legs out of your teeth!" Raph said playfully.

Mona laughed and did so. Raph made her rinse her mouth out with mouthwash three times before she kissed him, though! And Mona never ate another cockroach again!

Two months later, it was time. Mona's water had broken and she was lying in a on a cot. Since Donnie and Master Splinter were the most qualified, they were going to assist with the delivery.

Mona laid on the table, groaning in pain. Raph stood next to her, holding her hand. April and Casey stood by them with Mikey and Leo. "You're doing great, Mona! Breathe!" April instructed as Mona let out a scream.

Raph gritted his teeth in pain as he felt his hand being death gripped by her. But, no pain, no gain right? "Push, you can do it!"  Donnie said as Mona did so, screaming in pain.

This continued for a few minutes before they heard the beautiful sound of a baby crying. Splinter grabbed the newborn with a teary smile. "Congratulations, and Mona Lisa have a new son..."

Raph's eyes widened in joy as happy tears pricked his eyes. Mona smiled weakly, exausted from the ordeal. "A son! Oh Rapheal, we have a son!" She cried into his chest out of happiness.

Leo grinned proudly and hugged them. "Congratulations, you two!" Mikey cheered happily. "I'm an uncle!" Donnie grinned joyously as he helped Splinter clean up the baby.

April and Casey grinned from ear to ear as they watched. A few minutes later, the infant was placed in Mona's arms as she cradled him. Raph stroked his new son's head tenderly.

The baby was a turtle/salamander hybrid with a shell, lizard scales and a mix of yellowish-green eyes. The proud, teary-eyed parents held him as the other turtles, Splinter, April and Casey watched with misty eyes.

"I cannot believe I am a grandfather..." Splinter wiped his eyes as he took a lot of pictures. "I can't believe I'm an aunt!" Karai cheered as she walked in. The turtles, April and Casey chimed in agreeably.

"What should we call him, Rapheal?" Mona asked as Raph hummed thoughtfully. He had the perfect name in mind. "Apollo... our little Apollo." Raph said proudly as they smiled.

Mona grinned and cradled Apollo who looked up at them contently. "Our family is finally complete, Rapheal..." Mona said softly as she kissed him. Raph kissed back gently.

"It sure is..." They cuddled their new son close as they smiled. They'd always wanted a baby, and now
their wish came true. A beautiful little wish with a shell and a tail.

They were complete...

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the cute chapter!


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